[KHR;challenge] the aims of a ranking prince

Jan 29, 2008 23:30


For 31_days. January 29th. contradictions do not exist

Fuuta knew all too well that his entire worth in the mafia was centered on the book that he always carried with him. If any of the rankings in his book were wrong, Fuuta knew that he would pay more than his life for that mistake. He was not the first to be the ranking prince, nor would he be the last. Fuuta just wished that he would remain so for the longest, if only to spare his successor, whoever they may be.

It was partly the reason why he chose to ally himself with the Vongola. Fuuta knew that ranking princes (or princesses, in the rare event a girl was picked) were supposed to remain neutral in all respects in the mafia, relinquishing data only when paid the appropriate fees. Some of his predecessors remained so until their deaths, refusing to ally with anyone. Others, Fuuta knew, were made into pawns not of their own volition, traded between powerful mafia families and treated a little better than a dog.

Fuuta did not want such a thing to happen to him, which was why he allied himself as quickly as he could with the only person he knew would not use him for his own gains. How he had managed to survive until he met Sawada Tsunayoshi was only a matter of luck rather than skill. Regardless, Tsuna didn't restrict his distribution of information to anyone, but only said that he trusted Fuuta's sense of right and wrong. And as long as Fuuta continued to feed accurate information to others, none of the other families were peeved at his willing alliance.

And it was lucky that Fuuta's rankings had been accurate so far. The only person who who somehow fooled the ranking planet was Tsuna, and that fact had been hushed up relatively quickly thanks to Reborn. It was, of course, naive of him to think that Tsuna's improvement was shocking, though the speed at which Tsuna broke his expectations was certainly just that. Of course Fuuta knew that there were always room for improvement, but Fuuta always thought improvement took months, not days.

But the rate at which all the Vongola Guardians advanced in their various skill sets were, at best, frightening, at worst, monstrous. Fuuta often found himself racing in trying to keep up with the leaps and jumps in their progress, all at the expense of providing the most accurate information in case any other familgia was rich enough to pay for Vongola data. Though he did not doubt that Vongola would protect him in the event that he made a grave error and a family saw fit enough to seek reparations, Fuuta preferred not disturbing Tsuna with his mistakes.

Which was why, given that he was constantly dealing with anomalies like Sasagawa Ryohei (whose rankings spiked and dipped, often without rhyme or reason, and frustrated Fuuta to no end. Eventually, he compromised by marking Ryohei as, "Dependent on Sasagawa-san's mood and weather conditions environment") or Hibari-san (whose personality made Fuuta harbour second thoughts on recording his rankings in the book, much less selling such information), Fuuta was proud that he became the first ranking prince to finally gather the courage and recite a disclaimer that "Rankings are prone to change at any given moment after being processed. Best to utilise as soon as possible." every time he finished a transaction.

It may not be the best solution yet, but Fuuta thought it would make do at the moment. That way, his observations wouldn't contradict reality, which was what he aimed for, in the end.

challenge, fandom: katekyo hitman reborn!, 31 days

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