Private to Lynn Martians

Oct 06, 2008 09:33

*Jane writes quickly and in short quick notes.*

Lynn, I am not sure if you are aware of this, but I recently went to see a young man on the rumor of him losing his home to the VC. He mentioned something interesting and I was hoping you'll help me follow up on this. Below is some of our discussion that pertains to the situation. I excluded his name in the event someone finds this. I'd like to keep this quiet right now as people are getting excited over the parties, as well as the the fact that the VC presents is so prominent right now. I don't want to spark something that can't be contained.

Jane: So can you tell me in detail what happened on the day in question.

Young Man: Well Sheriff, it's like I told you. I was coming back from the center of town with the post that came in for me. Ordered a new tea kettle for my house, and I just got in some new carrot seed packets. When lo and behold I come home and there's these four really well dressed gents in black. They were standing around near my fence, and I thought it was odd, you know. So I approached them and said,

"Afternoon gents, what can I do for you?"
And this really tall one with a flat hat says to me, "Nothing, friend, we're just examining our new plot of land."

And I looked at him and said, "New plot of land. Sir, I think you're mistake, this here's my land. That there's my home." And I pointed it out him. Well he starts to laugh and says to me.

"So I think you're mistaken, this is our land. We bought it."
"Bought it from who?"
"The owner."
"Well I"m the owner and I don't know who you are, so would you mind getting off my property."
"Son I don't know if you know who you're dealin' with. We're part of a very respectable organization. You might know us as the Victorian Company."
"Well sir, I recognize the name, but this ain't your land."

Jane: And what happened then?

Young Man: Well we argued about it back and forth for a bit, until he whips out this document with my name on it.

Jane: What sort of document.

Young Man: Well it looked kinda like a deed. Mind you I don't read none of that fancy ledger stuff, so I wasn't sure exactly what it said, but it had my name on it, and two more names.

Jane: Your name on it?

Young Man: Yeah it had my signature, and I knew that was mine, and I knew when I signed it sorta. About two weeks ago, while I was out of town, I was at a gambling hall and this well dressed man comes over to me. Gets me lots of drinks, and I don't hold my liquor well miss, but he just kept them coming, and we were gambling. Well he put this paper in front of me at a point, said it was an IOU or somethin' like that. So I signed it, and that's where my name came from.

Jane: You said there were two names.

Young Man: *He nodded vigorously here* Yup, the first one being some guy I didn't know, P Wesbrook...Wintook, something fancy like. His writings really elegant, like he's trying to prove something. But the other one I could read clear as day, and believe me Sheriff, it made my skin crawl that he would do such a thing.

Jane: That being?

Young Man: Mr. Robert Westonbirt, the owner of the flower place. It was his name as new owner under the second guys. Honest to god, Sheriff I"m not making any of this up.

Lynn, I'm going to see Robert about this, I will hope that you can follow up on this with the town hall and see if you can talk to Robert about it after I interview him about it, and see if there's anyway we can figure out why he's buying land that wasn't for sale in the first place.

Yours gratefully

Sheriff Jane W. Winchester

open letter

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