Screams and Fears, event

Sep 29, 2008 01:41

Jane headed down the street away from where Richard had been shooting off his gun. Her head was a jumble of things. First their was the meeting with the Father she was going to have to have to deal with issues pertaining to any damages to the church, then the Mayor, which wasn't going to be fun at all as he always seemed to ignore or chose to ignore the problems in the city. After that it was going to be dealing with the locals that did have damages, and how they were going to repair their stuff. Not to mention the fact the fact that there was looting going on at night and she had to patrol to take care of things.

Then there was Applegate. For whatever reason she didn't like nor did she trust the man. He was a pest that had to be taken care of. But if he didn't break the law, there wasn't much she could do. Warnings and threats didn't seem to faze him, and she didn't want to think about actually getting into a gun battle with him. On top of that, there were rumors swirling of someone buying up farm land from the local farmers who were trying to sell more local flowers and other foods to make different sorts of perfume with. She wasn't sure who was doing it but she knew that there was something behind that happening and Applegate appearing.

Jane was turning a corner to head back to where she had last been, when she heard the sound of something running, or rather someone. She turned fast, hand on gun and ready for whatever came around the corner. To her shock it was the young woman she had seen at Miss Cecile's.

Jane put her hands up and caught the girl before she hit into her. When she did so she saw the bruising brusing from Ataraxy's run in with Richard.

Miss Ataraxy! What happened to you?

Jane looked her up and down trying to make sense of it. Who would want to hurt a girl like this.


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