(no subject)

Jul 30, 2008 09:25

hey everyone!

So, it's been a while, but internet acces has been both expensive and limited, so I've been keeping my internet time to a minimum.
This keyboard sucks, so if there are random returns... its the keyboard's fault.

Onwards to Paris though. It was amazing. We left Luxembourg to go to Paris and got into Paris late that night. It was about 10pm and we had nowhere to go, so we called Audrey, our friend from the states and the one where we crashed in Brussels and she offered us a bed. She told us what metro to take and which train to take to get to her house quickest. After hanging up with her we immediately deviated from her instructions because I was starving. I went to a place on the street and had the best pizza I have ever had (merely because I was so hungry from not eating anything all day... see sick time on the train).

The only thing was, the pizza took about 20 minutes to cook... and it was in an area which a lady on the train told us to not go if its dark. Anyway, we walked and I ate. this guy came up and started saying "je boom, je boom" over and over to me... i was sure I was about to get mugged, but I just shrugged and he passed. We saw this same guy three different times in our Paris trip.
You do the probability, ha. Anyway, we later asked Audrey what it meant and the only thing she could think would be the slang word for "I have an erection." I'm not sure if this is what he was saying, but he also said it to some school children ahead of us.

We got to Audreys and we all slept about 12 or 13 hours. It was amazing. Her dad (Bernard), who is awesome, gave us a tour or paris in his car and dropped us off near our hostel.

We checked in and just walked around the city exploring. The Eiffel tower was awesomely lit up blue since the french president is in charge of the EU right now. We walked down Champs Boulevard, which is like a french broadway, towards the arch de triumph (I'm sure the spelling is horrible of all my french words). We got back to the hostel late and slept until the next morning when we went met up with Audrey and waited for Austin to have our French Lunch. It was pretty good... I accidently ordered cold tomato soup because Audrey accidently mistranslated. I gave it to Christian. Audrey left and we took a walk around the city with Austin. We just explored and went to the Eiffel tower to show it to him when it sparkled on the hour every hour.

As we headed home, we were heading towards a long metro line when christian just starts running, I follow then Austin follows me. I soon see we are running towards the exit of the metro which is being held open. This was the beginning of a long line of us (mostly christian) trying to get on the metro for free. We rode the metro home and then. Tomorrow was the 14th of July, or Bastille day to Americans... the anniversary when the french revolution started by the french storming the Bastille.

Christian Austin and I went to the Louvre first, which was free since it was the 14th of July (after getting wine and cheese of course) and we splurged on the audio tour since it was free.
While we were waiting outside of the Louvre to get in, there was a fly over from the parade of about 15 to 20 formations of planes, starting with the most modern going back to WW2 planes. It was really cool and I was in heaven.We did the masterpiece tour and saw the Venus, some angel on a ship (I forget the name) and the Mona Lisa, respectively. Then we walked around... I saw DaVinci's Madonna on the Rocks, and countless others. We did the French tour and the Egyptian tour. It was really cool.

We then met up with Audrey to celebrate the 14th of July with her out by the Eiffel Tour. There was a huge concert with about 15 artists that were huge in france. My favorite was probably Christoph Mae, because he played a mean harmonica... and he is the only one I really remember, ha. After that there were fireworks behind the eiffel tower. They do
fireworks amazingly in France. They do it to music so it is almost like a symphony of lights and sound. It was amazing to say the least. Audrey's Manu (serrogate grandmother) was awesome and we were trying to learn french from her. We learned the saying, "En vino veritas" or "Truth in wine" because Manu told us that once we all have enough wine, we'd be speaking the same language.
I didn't drink at all... I was still in recovery mode.

After that, we went back to Manu's place and hung out for a bit then headed back to the hostel. It was late and the metro was so crowded. At one point a bunch of Indian people got on and it sort of smelt pretty bad and this spanish lady looked like she was about to vomit. We got off and ran around because we were going the wrong way (without choice... it was one way only) and the metro stopped running a stop before ours. we walked the rest of the way.

Austin was (illegally) sleeping on our hostel floor. When we got back to the hostel, christian went immediately to the internet rooms and the guy asked Austin and I for our names. I said Adam and Austin said he was Christian. we realized if Christian was asked his name that he would be screwed. We decided a plan where austin would buy internet and christian and I would run upstairs.
it ended up working.

The next day in paris we went to the modern art museum, the pompadeiu. Austin and I bonded on the fact we didnt really understand modern art very well, especially the plane white canvases. Regardless though, there were some really amazing paintings and sculptures and it was actually a really cool place.
I am definitely glad we went.

After that austin had to leave to go to work and Christian and I went to the Rodin Museum, the sculpture who did the thinker and hell's gates. It was really cool. there was a section which had the process of sculpting which was really neat. We headed back to the hostel after that and relaxed a bit.

This keyboard is really annoying because it randomly holds down the enter button, so I am going to finish paris another time. It is a pretty
long email as it is. Hope all is well.

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