5 drabbles for BSG Kink bingo

Jan 11, 2012 02:07

Time is running out, (Roslin/solo), masturbation

She’s close, so close. She pinches her nipple, hard, until it hurts while her other hand moves frantically between her legs, fingers sliding in and out at a quick pace. It’s been so long since she had a decent orgasm. She needs this more than she wants to admit.

“Madam President, the commander is here to see you.”

“I’ll be right there,” she answers, her voice shaking. She just needs another minute. But she can hear commander Adama’s rumbling voice on the other side of the  bathroom door.

“Frak,” she curses and yanks her skirt down. Time to be presidential.

Reversed roles, (Kara/Kat), predator/prey

She was used to being the hunter. She was always the hunter. Even with Zak and Lee, Kara was the hunter. Kara wasn’t used to being the hunted, not used to being jumped unsuspected and bend over a control panel of a raptor as Kat buried her fingers inside of her.

Kat’s other hand moved between her legs, flicking against her clit. Kara’s head snapped up and she moaned, pushing back against Kat’s hand. She grasped at the buttons, hoping she didn’t accidently started the raptor. Kara shuddered when she came. Maybe she didn’t mind being the prey that much.

Hate is such a complicated emotion, (Laura/Lee), wildcard

She lets him frak her from behind, bend over her desk, his hand holding her hips so tightly she knows he’ll leave bruises, but she doesn’t care. Why would she care? She’s dying again and he betrayed her in front of everybody, in front of his father while the entire fleet was listening.

Laura wishes she could bring herself to hate Lee. She has tried a few times, but every time she feels she might actually dislike him, she finds herself back here, Lee frakking her until she cries out his name. She wishes she could give him up.

Not ready, (Bill/Laura), blindfold

Laura shivered when she felt his fingers on the inside of her thigh, caressing her skin, the deprivation of her sight heightening her sensitivity to touch, his touch. She ached for his touch,  his tongue, his lips closing around her nipple. She cried out, the sound carrying far in the dead of night.

“Bill, please,” she begged. As she felt him settle between her legs, he kissed her, long and hard. Laura could feel what he felt in every movement and she was grateful for the fabric covering her eyes. She was not ready to see his love for her.

Selfless, (Caprica/D’Anna/Gaius), held down

Cool fingers wrap around his wrists, pressing them into the mattress. Shocked Gaius turns his head and finds the cold eyes of D’Anna looking at him. He opens his mouth to speak, to protest, but he feels Caprica sinking down on his erection and  he groans.

Gaius struggles, attempting in vain to break free from the iron grip D’Anna has on his wrists. She only smiles, though it doesn’t reach her eyes. “No, no, Gaius,” she whispers. “This is about her for a change, not you.”

rating: r, pairing: kara/kat, pairing: roslin/adama, fandom: battlestar galactica, pairing: caprica/d'anna/gaius, pairing: laura/lee, rating: m

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