::sob:: I'm being infected!

Sep 20, 2010 21:48

Title: Calm Down, My Lord
Series: Transformers Animated
Spoilers: A Bridge Too Close, since this takes place in that fight
Pairing: Megatron/Starscream implied all over the place
Author's Notes: This picture jumped up and assaulted my brain. It is the inspiration of this. x.x

Starscream had been busy shooting at interfering Autobots when he heard the howl of incandescent rage.

"Well, that's unfortunate," he muttered, disengaging fire and wheeling smoothly in the air to rocket towards Megatron.

He landed with a skidding thump between the warlord and the innocent, unknowing prey that was Optimus Prime. Megatron's fusion cannon was already white-bright and aimed when Starscream slid himself smooth as butter into the curve of cannon and chest armor.

Megatron didn't acknowledge the jet's presence at all, razor bright optics tunnel focused on Optimus Prime. Starscream's energy field warmed up with a purr, now thrumming with the electrical static of calm. He slid a taloned hand up Megatron's chest armor and leaned in close, purring into the warlord's neck, "Calm down, my lord."

Their energy fields synced and Megatron's focus swiveled from Prime to Starscream with a growl. He reached out and wrapped his free hand around the lower back armor panel of his treacherous jet, shoving his fingers knuckle deep into the seam and jerking Starscream closer to him, until their hips nearly touched. The calming purr-thrum of Starscream's energy field didn't even flicker.

Starscream flicked his thumb, twitching it lazily back and forth across Megatron's armor, talon so delicately placed that not even the wax scratched beneath it. Megatron's grip tightened, the armor's edge beginning to deform under the pressure with a low creak. The jet's optics slid into the half canted downturn of willing submission in response.

Megatron sucked air through his vents in a sudden whirr and bared his sharp denta at Optimus Prime over the curve of Starscream's shoulder. He was not going to be soothed, by Primus! Starscream's head tipped back the perfect fraction of just so, showing him a tantalizing sliver of submissive throat covering. Absolutely not going to -- The jet's weight shifted completely onto his grip, the narrow, vulnerable folding point between thrusters and wings now entirely at his obviously non-existent mercy. Damnit.

Megatron was annoyed that he was feeling so calm with an arm full of jet in a room full of Autobot scum. He was going to have to shoot something.

"Come, my lord, let's kill some Autobots," Starscream crooned oh so sweetly and with such perfect timing.

His punishing grip loosened and Starscream's thrusters fired up with a dull roar, lifting him smoothly out of Megatron's grasp. The jet's hand lifted with him, talons trailed lightly upwards on his armor, a single one tracing the line of his jaw and then his cheek before Starscream was up and away, aerial and out of reach once more.

Purple laser fire splashed down from above, scattering the flailing Autobots. Megatron pleasantly lined up his shots uncluttered by blind rage. It was a pity about Optimus Prime dodging, but oh well, he could just shoot at him again ...

Above, Tealscream swooped down to hang besides Starscream, smirking, "Well, that explains a lot."

"Oh, shut up."

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