Aug 02, 2006 20:17
Today I felt that I should dust off the old LiveJournal, and update this sonamabitch. It's been a while, but I feel like chilling out and typing out what's on my mind so I don't get crazier than I already am.
So, this was the summer where I actually spent a lot of time chilling out and having fun, unlike my last summer. Last summer for me was working two jobs from 5 am to 10pm about 6 days a week. It was hell, but I did get a few extra bucks out of it. This year, all my summer consist of is drinking beer, smoking pot, video games, sleeping, the works. It hasn't been so bad, but now I feel like I need to get back on track.
I'm 23 years old now, and I somewhat feel behind on shit. I'm in Television Broadcasting, and I have yet worked on an actual production. I want to force myself to go after it, but there is another side of me that makes me feel unsure about it. I always tend to play it safe and wait until I feel completely confident in something before I make my move. Right now, if it was on a scale, I'd say I'm at 84% on the readiness meter. Anyways, hopefully I'll get to the 100% point before it's too late.
Summer is ending so fast, and that's a shame. Although, alot of fun things happened throughout my off time. Like, finally getting caught up in "LOST", I took vacation time just to watch it, it was beautiful. I went to quite a few parties, and the majority of them were kick ass (alot of hangovers dude!). I learned the basics of Poker, which I guess is cool. Matt and I bought "Guitar Hero", which is extremely addictive and fun as all hell. I finally got some sugar (too bad the girl was a bitch). Overall, this summer wasn't too shabby.
I believe I should set some goals before the end of the year. I will continue brainstorming funny ass scripts. Then when we finally make that one bad ass script that will blow your panties off, then we will submit it to film festivals and kick ass. I will also continue to make more songs until I have enough for an album and finally do more shows. On top of that, more comic strips with better quality art. Whatever I can do to get my name out there. So I can finally leave this shit hole.