Apr 09, 2008 21:42
how can people be so dumb?
if you see that ppl call you a "slut" then maybe u should stop fucking around.
if you hear that someone u knoew just got pregnant or got an std, whats so hard with telling the guy "hold on, can you get a condom.."
whats so hard if they say no, then just not to have sex?
are you that horny?
Whats the whole point with having a relationship if you both always argue, get jeallous[no trust], and lie to each other , even the smallest lies.
i mean, why even be with the person?
i thought a relationship was based on trust, respect and love for one another.
atleast thats what ive been taught.
my thoughts have matured through the years,
and yes back then i was a little green.
but ive opened my eyes and realized the truth.
how fake people can be.
how people judge.
how people are so ignorant and so 'stupid'
people need to learn how to make the right decisions.
people need to grow up.
people need to learn respect.
respect is the start of everything.
you cant love without respect.
you cant be a friend with out having respect for each other.
then comes, matureness.
make mature deciions and be mature about sticky situations.
ugh, ppl just get to me.
i shall grow more, mentally.
& i'd rather worry about my problems first, than anyone else's.
either way, my feelings are more important than yours.
isnt that the way the every human-being in this world sees it?