Still alive. Maybe. Star trekkkkk

May 30, 2013 14:26

Although it is kind of funny, since I've never realised it, but Beans mentioned how most of our conversations on Line start off with talks of work or dying.

Listened to the Great Gatsby OST. Some of the songs are a hit and miss to be honest. Some were too 'techno-sounding' for my liking, didn't think it really fit with the theme of Gatsby. Felt like I was listening to clubbing music. However in its defence, unless it's supposed to represent Gatsby's parties...which were over the top in the novel so I guess, I could let it slide.

I've been looping this song. *sob*

image Click to view

Went to watch Star Trek into Darkness. Am still snickering like a ten year old at people shortening it to STID. Make what you will of it. I'm bias, as I enjoyed it more than the first movie, although to be honest, can't really remember the first one. Never did really sit down and watch it, but I had it playing in the background, when I was babysitting.

That saying, of course there were some problematic things about it, such as the whitewashing of Khan (even if Benedict was sporting a cool hairdo and an awesome Nero!jacket), the inclusion of Carol Marcus (being useless and didn't contribute to the plot as much) (thought she was similar to the girlfriend in TF 3), the underwear scene and other things, which other people may have picked on. Those were my nitpicks with the movie.

However in defence of Carol Marcus, would have to blame the writers and director for it. She could have had a bigger role and be awesome, but sadly she didn't. Considering in another 'verse, she's the mother of Kirk's only son. Although I kept thinking at some parts of the movie, was that she would be make a good Sharon Carter or some super hero. :D


To be honest, didn't realise that he was going to be Khan. Sure there were rumours, but I thought they were just baseless rumours, although should have thought about it, Benedict was supposed to play a villain and said villain was Khan.

I admit, that Benedict is a good actor, there's no dispute about that. However the fact that he's playing a character, who wasn't originally white should raise alarm bells. There is no excuse to argue that there are a shortage of non white actors in Hollywood. Or that it wouldn't be as successful if the bad guy was played someone, other than white. At the end of the day, it all seems to suggest that white actors can fulfill any roles, while actors of non white origin are doomed to be stuck in roles, as the token!race, stereotypical roles or the villains. (Olympus has fallen? TTWB, Red Dawn...)

So one of the reasons why I'm hesitant to watch Cloud Atlas, although one of the reasons would be unable to keep my snickering under control at Hugo Weaving looking like a Vulcan. Unless that's just me.

Underwear scene

Where do I even start? It was unnecessary and uncalled for. I'm glad the writer has apologised for that infamous scene.

If it was meant to introduce some sexual tension or lady bits, it failed on many levels. If anything it showed how they were "sexualising" (haha, making up words) and objectively women. Once again. Hollywood. I'm not impressed. Or rather Star Trek into Darkness. There are other ways to have sexual tension between characters. However unless I must have watched a different movie, but I didn't see anything between Kirk and Carol. Granted he was being his flirty self, but there was nothing else to assume....?

It was unnecessary because she already had something underneath, so it was a waste to re-change her clothing. She had the undershirt and it was merely perversion on the writer's part to include

Now, that part is over. Back to the Kirk/Spock feels, that I was spazzing with animesque

And how their relationship changed, from them arguing and disputing with one another till the end, where Spock utters, I will always and will be your friend. Although there may be some complaints of what about McCoy and Kirk's relationship, considering that they were also good friends, more so than Kirk and Spock. That the movie skipped out on that pair to concentrate on Kirk/Spock's relationship and the same could be mentioned for Spock/Uhura.

All the feels.

In the end, what I got out of it, is that the movie seeks to re-establish the relations, the bonds that Kirk has gained and built while in command of the Enterprise and the extent that he is willing to endure for the sake of preserving that.

As Khan said, is there anything that you will not do for family...?

And I fail at discussion.

And currently obsessed with Molang along with Kirk/Spock. It's a character in this Korean drama. It's a fat potato rabbit. :') Here's more pictures and info on Yoon Hye Ji's blog.

Gifs found here.

And good luck to everyone else for their exams! :')

!spazzing with friends, !music, !cute things, !youtube, !uni, !that's what separates the men from boys, !food for thought

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