It is not in the sence that can be made of concepts but the meaning that can be drawn from them. If all things were to make sence then meaning would be limited through ambiguity, thought and intrspection can be gained. A statment that says nothing oftern in actulatiy says nothing. By understanding we nihilate what possable other meanings what was
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Language is founded upon the difference between signs and signified's. We can only learn to identify 'red' by being told what red is, and more importantly, what red is not.
Thus in order to identify an interpretation as an interpretation, you immediately create 'difference' outside of your interpretation that allows it to be labelled as an interpretation as such, and thus creates the conceptual space for new interpretations. So by interperating a text you don't nihilate the possibility for different interpretations; by recognizing it as an interpretation you actually open an abyss for an infinite spectra of different interpretations and perspectives. Whether you go play in that abyss is a different matter all together.
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