(no subject)

Jun 08, 2006 20:39

School is essentially out for summer. Tomorrow at 10:00am, Ashley is done with 4th grade. What that means is that as of tomorrow, I have a 5th grader. 5th grade is one year away from middle school. I almost have a middle schooler.
On Tuesday night, the school held its annual talent show. There were 29 acts in all. A wide variety of acts, we had everything from the handicapped kindergartener trying to sing the Star Spangled Banner to the tap dancing talents of cute little blonde girls. We had Irish Dancers and violinists. Piano players and Rappers. We had a huge Pot luck dinner. Sloppy Joes and fruit salad, pasta salad and cookies and cakes, lots of fatty goodness. The food and fellowship was great, there were a few parents there who I hadn't gotten to talk to in months, it was great to eat together and share kid stories. It is funny how there are grown up cliques, these parental cliques are almost stronger than those of our children. If Ashley and Anna wanted to stop being friends, we would fight it, us parents are in a clique, we need to hang out together at school events. We are the parents of the Girl Scouts, we know each other and each others children and we are so scared because we know that someday soon, our children, and therefore we too, will drift apart.
Then, there was a terrible interruption, tornado sirens! Talent show is put in hold and we are all evacuated to the inner hallways. Sweaty, restless kids surround parents who are looking in amazement at the clear blue sky and wondering why they are in this hallway. Â There is an announcement that we will need to stay in the hallway for at least 45 minutes until the warning has lifted. We decide to go home. It was a good choice. Those who stayed through the 45 minutes were just about to restart the show when a 2nd tornado whistle went off and the show was cancelled.
It was during the hallway time, before we left, that DeLou's dad, Mark, let us know about the now infamous bike ride across the East Side of Madison. I am still so angry at her! Christopher cleaned out her room, there is nothing fun left. She has a bed, a desk, dresser and fish. And books, we could never go quite that far. We are such hard asses. :)
Yesterday was the school picnic. Hot Dogs, apples, carrots and chips out on the playground. The kids were groovin' to the DJ and playing on the huge blow up play structures that the PTA provided. There were sports tournaments and lots of picture taking. Ashley was happy to see me, but then I was abandoned for a game of 4 square.
Today, Thursday, is our busiest day of the week. We have piano and then a rush to eat dinner and then soccer practice. Christopher and I got a bike rack for the car, so while she is practicing, we will go for a ride. I am trying to get some exercise. My legs have been hurting from walking and biking, but there has not been even a pound lost.
Tomorrow, my parents are coming up to watch Ashley and Jaylin for the afternoon. Saturday, Ashley's annual Young Eagles flight has been cancelled as part of her punishment, so we have a day to chill.
Saturday night is the Roller Derby Finals! I am looking forward to a night of narsty roller derby girls and beer.
So that is my story.
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