Here's a chance for you people to show your creativity:

Feb 12, 2005 22:10

This was posted on a forum for Mechwarrior Dark Age. It is a collectible miniatures game. For your knowledge ICE = Internal Combustion Engine. I decided I might as well try to win this, so post any ideas you people have for interesting uses. Current ones others have put up are as broken pieces for terrain, giving out as prizes, and using various pieces for modeling.

Want some Free Construction Mechs?? All you Have to do is Write!


As the title suggests I have too many ICE mechs. So I decided to give them away for free to the 'realmer who can give me the most worthy/interesting thing that they would do with the 20 ICE mechs.

These are such great mechs as Construction, Mining, and Agro mechs.
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