Well...today sucked major league balls

Apr 10, 2007 23:59

Bombed my History paper. Nothing I read came out. It'll take one of God's mighty miracles for me to pass this one... orz

And to add to the injury, I misplaced my money and...yea...you all know what happens to misplaced money... |||OTL

I HATE life lessons...with a burning passion...

*takes a huge swig of Coke*

A'ight b!tches. That's all I have to say. Here are some quizzes.

Courtesy of kuraokamiko's own quiz spam XD

You Are A: Duck!

Found in many lakes and ponds, ducks are a common site the world over. Known for their famous quack, ducks tend to congregate in flocks or go off on their own in pairs. As a duck, you may seem friendly at times but will not hesitate to bite if someone is bothering you. Your ability to swim and your your short temper are some reasons why you are a duck.

You were almost a: Duckling or a Kitten
You are least like a: Pony or a PuppyCute Animals Quiz

Just because I can swim? ._o;;

What CLAMP School Detective Are You?

Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Kinda expected this, even though I am NOTHING like him XD

You hate know-it-alls!

Know-it-alls are your number one pet peeve. They always know everything, and always take pleasure in making you feel stupid. And they always, always make a point of saying something when you screw up something.

Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

Yes...yes I do...so very much...

You are Fut-Nucker.
(Your alter-ego is surasha)

Your super-hero ability:

Frighten away wild cougars by throwing your hands in the air

'What is your superhero ability?' at QuizGalaxy.com

...poor cougars...XD;;;
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