I put the saddle on Darcy for Erin when she came for our lesson on Thursday. She reached under his back and showed me how it would pinch as soon as he started carrying himself. I sent Paul to work with it the next morning so he could drop it back off for me -- my special buddy was there and I'm glad I didn't hold onto it and take it back myself.
It would've worked out if I had. That afternoon Erin called to say she was heading out to the
tack store and offered to go through some saddles with me. Of course I jumped at the opportunity -- I'm hating saddle shopping these days.
Erin and I met up at the tack store and after staring at some
bandages we started digging through the saddles. Erin wanted me to sit on everything then get off so she could sit on it, then sit on it again. It took her two seconds to look at something and say whether it could fit Darcy. She-who-shall-not-be-named came over and offered to help which Erin quickly turned down saying that we were doing fine. Of course she didn't leave and started being her bitchy overbearing self so Erin quickly put her to work. We decided to take nothing home to try out which was relieving and headed over to look at bits.
We ran into one of Erin's other students who was going to be getting a lesson that evening. She was super nice and invited me to tag along to watch her lesson and meet her brand new greenbroke 10yo Dutch Warmblood.
Days like these make me think how nice it would be to just do the horse thing full time. I have no idea what I'm doing with my life and the more I think about it the more helpless and confused I feel.
However, I don't have the experience or the credentials to do that. Maybe after I graduate in June I could be a full time working student. But for who? And then what?
So I sit here in my den, folding laundry on the sofa, hoping if I keep myself busy enough with chores and projects that no one will notice that I'm going nowhere and doing nothing.