I took pictures of John riding Traveler today.
This was a long time coming since I'd promised him a few weeks ago that I'd come out and take pictures for him. He's been riding for a few years but has never been in an arena with mirrors nor has anyone taken pictures of him before so he had no idea what he looks like.
I mentioned that he might want to go to some schooling shows this year and he said that if he did go to a show he'd like to have Traveler's tail french braided and asked if I'd do it for him. So while he was tacking up I figured I'd give it a try.
I love the color of Traveler's mane and tail and considered dying my hair to match a few years ago. I doubt it would turn out so well.
Mounting up.
I have to say I'm really happy with the lighting. The sprinkler system has been on the fritz so I don't know the last time the arena was watered so it was quite dusty which led cool effects in some shots.
John is looking down in most of the pictures. Espeically the good ones of Traveler.
Looking down.
Not looking down and my favorite shot of the day.
His first lesson with my new trainer is this Thursday and I can barely contain my excitement. John is a decent rider but would be so much better with some proper instruction.
... Quick butt-shot of Darcy after our workout (no cameraman for me today)...