Jul 14, 2005 14:03
And life is pretty much
Work. Sleep. & Vince.
I absolutely love this!
+ colorguard, i forgot
.. I dont want to go to bandcamp this year, AGAIN! And I dont think I will unless we fundraise because I'm not using my money and I don't feel like asking my parents for it even though they would give it to me. 200 dollars is a lot of money for the camp, I rather just have it at RV honestly. Who really needs to go away? We can all just sleep in our own beds at night without a fear of huge ass bugs and then go to Rv for the day/night and then go home again. There is no problem with that. I think i'm really complaining though because I dont want to be out in the sun. I havent been outside during sunlight for more than 5 minutes this summer which is extremely sad but the truth. I dont think my body can handle the heat, im getting too old. hmm oh well, heres to another month of summer and then some.