May 15, 2007 17:37
Today was a very frustrating day. These days seem to be more often than not here lately. I can't seem to voice my feelings thus always leaving me in a very unhappy rut. Why? Why can't I just say what I'm thinking the moment I'm thinking it. This very great movie called You've Got Mail starring my true favorite Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. They have a conversation through AOL IM about the ability to "zing" people. And by zing I mean get it from your head out your mouth without caring if you hurt someones feelings or not. I wish I could do this. I wish sometimes I could just look at someone and say "what the fuck are you thinking you fucking dumb ass!" I can't though. I used to be so vocal, in vocal, I was driving people nuts with my opinions and loud and boistrous ways. Now I would pay to have that back. Oh well.
They also talk in my favorite movie about how those who do have this ability wish they could get rid of it and to be thankful if you are the one who lacks it. I get so frustrated with all the people around. I feel like I'm so used. I take care of every one around me and I'm done. I hate it. I wish I could move far far away and start over. Unfortunately that is not an option. I feel like I'm at a point in my life where I am suffering so others can prosper around me. It is draining the life out of me. I don't think I'm the sarah that used to be known and loved. not anymore....where did she go?