Not-so drunken but very much emo thoughts

Apr 07, 2010 03:45

You know how most of the time, you have these lengthy, kilometric (redundancy for more emphasis) lines/things/speeches you want to say to certain people, but you end up censoring yourself in the end? For whatever reason, whether you think it's the right thing to say at the time, or if you're afraid of the consequences of what you want to say, you end up giving a shorter, filtered version of what you really want to say. Unfortunately, these people usually end up not getting your point in the first place. Maybe there's a small hint of your point that came across. Maybe these cryptic messages are left in the air for them to think about, or maybe they dissipate into thin air like smoke, without much thought. The thing is, you still never know what goes on in the other person's head.

Sometimes, this filtering is good thing to do. Sometimes, it's what you have to do to preserve whatever good thing you have in the present. You never know if saying everything could be for the better or worse. But the heart can only take so much of these emotions building up. Eventually, things will just have to dangerously blow up in the most awkward or inappropriate time, leaving things even worse than they were. We don't want that, do we? So where can the heart find an outlet to prevent these kinds of disasters?

When will these written feelings ever survive the dreaded 'Delete' button?


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