Here are pictures from my awesome sweet 16 party!! :D
Pizza! Lol- Lexi.
My awesome lovely cake!
Everyone + cake.
Making my *wish*. Can you guess what I wished for?
I love my friends- they crack me up.
Group pic!
Silly group pic!!
This is for Travis- he left his hat at my party. Hehehe!! :)(I know that I spelled ransom wrong. Lol.)
This is one of the pictures I took for Noah and sent it to him. It's my favorite. Plus it wouldn't be fair if everyone saw all the pictures I sent to Noah. They're for his eyes only. Hehehehehe!!!! :D
That's all. :) Work sucked today. I worked 7 hours and they only gave me one 15 minute break. Fuck them. I'm quitting soon. :(
♥ Christa!!