May 14, 2006 02:45
So I liked someone on the Mousetrap crew with me. I told his and my best friend, Noah that I liked him. Noah told him, now he is ignoring me. WTF is up with that?! Guys ignoring me after they find out that I like them. The only guy that didn't was Greg... and it's just his job to deal with that stuff. I was finally starting to get over him.. and starting like that guy on crew with me. I hate being ignored. I hate that feeling!! It's one of my worst fears, being ignored by people, especially ones that I care for.
But now everything is ruined. I'm depressed... again. I'm just about to say fuck it all, crawl into a little ball in a corner and just shut myself away from everyone and everything.
I'm really starting to hate a lot of things. Especially society and the world.. just... FUCK IT ALL!!!!