Last night, two days before Thanksgiving, five US Senators* introduced Senate Joint Resolution 26, a harmful and divisive Senate counterpart to the anti-gay "Federal Marriage Amendment" that has been unfortunately gaining support in the House since May. This resolution seeks to amend the U.S. Constitution to discriminate against GLBT families by defining marriage as between a man and a woman.
*Wayne Allard, R-Colo.; Sam Brownback, R-Kan.; Jim Bunning, R-Ky.; James Inhofe, R-Okla.; and Jeff Sessions, R-Ala. introduced the resolution.
It is vital that you contact your Senators at their district office and urge them to oppose S.J. Res. 26! Your Senators need to hear from you while they're in their district offices throughout the month of December!
The amendment seeks to permanently deny the right to marry, as well as virtually all other forms of legal recognition to same-sex couples, including the most basic legal protections. It further seeks to circumvent the right of state legislatures and courts to make decisions on basic government-administered protections, thereby forever denying gay and lesbian Americans fundamental rights and benefits such as hospital visitation, Social Security, inheritance and health care benefits.
The opposition is gearing up with phone calls and letters and we need to do the same. Please call your Senators today!
Click here or visit read HRC’s full press release on S.J. Resolution 26.
This came directly from The Human Rights Campaign. Do something about this injustice!!!