(no subject)

Apr 01, 2005 00:04

Birthday Allstars:
Tiffany - for taking me out for delicious mexican food
Ryan - he gave me Sex and the City on DVD. Ryan knows just what i like!
Mom and Dad - along with the brand new professional wardrobe, they sent me beautiful flowers!
Erin and Leah - otherwise known as my roomies, for the delicious cake
Heather - For the phone call at 9:30 am. She took a risk, because if she had woken me up, there would have been hell to pay
Jeff Cohen - "Happy Birthday. You don't suck (that much). Love, Jeff"
Bri - she's my new girlfriend. Spread the word. Check facebook if you don't believe me. Don't tell Nikki.
Jeff - "Did I beat Heather to calling you?"
"No, she called at 9:30 this morning"
"DAMN HER ALWAYS SHOWING ME UP! I was still asleep at 9:30"
"If you were asleep, who the hell was protecting the country!?!"

And to top it all off, Andrew Steeley gave me a birthday hug! ::swoon::
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