May 30, 2007 10:59
i am on a study break and seem to have less than a minute of it left, so this post will be quick. there is little to be said other than the impeding exam (which will be over in 25.5 hrs). i was not nervous this morning when i woke up and started reviewing some stuff that I felt I needed brushing up on, but now that I have done that I need to make a quick run through of the entire syllabus (all 800 or so pages). that is making me nervous. for some reason i am terrified to look at the material, even though i've seen it, for the most part, several times before. maybe i'm scared of realized that i actually don't know anything at all. but anyway, i will look at it as soon as im done posting. so the exam begins at 8:30. i had an afternoon time slot but was eager to get it done, especially since there is no gross anatomy (as we took the gross section two weeks ago). after the exam i have clean my apartment for my crepe party but also because lani and ninz are coming on fri (yay!). i also have to do some shopping for the party and then i have a meeting at 3 with my project person, which hopefully will not last too long. after that, it will hopefully be a weekend of relaxation and fun. barely a day left of first year! we're almost 1/4 MD. ee!