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Jul 10, 2010 12:07

1) 100 Greatest Movie Insults of all time. Not safe for work. Hat tip to felisdemens.

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2) A follow-up to Faceboob. Courtesy of apocalypticbob. She has the cutest voice!


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4) Pretty inspirational, and more than a little impressive.

5) Twilight for guys! Hat tip to esper3k.

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6) Bizarre real life gangs. I'm fond of the "walk offs" myself.

7) I kissed a nerd. Hat tip to apocalypticbob.

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8) This is so very not safe for work. Hat tip to voicethtnvrsngs.

Songs to Fingerbang To: A 'Time Life' Collection -- powered by

9) Hat tip to amenquohi.

10) Interesting "why are we here" theory. Hat tip to amenquohi. Click on the link, then zoom it. Worth the read.

11) This man hates Twilight more than anyone else on the planet. Really. Hat tip to plinko

12) Hat tip to stagger_lee77. May not be safe for work.

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