Usual format. Blue = yay, Purple = meh, Red = bleach my ears.
Can I tell you how glad I am that we will *not* be subjected to Sanjaya singing Bon Jovi?
Phil Stacey
Song: Blaze of Glory
My thoughts: Good song choice for him. Outfit makes him look even more like a vampire - skulls on the sleeves? Still, he could do worse. Vocally not so bad. Solid, but I'm still lacking a bit of emotionality from him, although he did seem to try a bit more, particularly on the choruses. Can't decide if I want to call this high purple or low blue. I think I'll be kind and go high blue, mainly because of his last power note.
Judges say: Randy says happy for him, he recorded it with Bon Jovi, great to hear it again, best performance other than country week, that was the bomb. Paula says he'll never forget this year, best opening all season long. Simon says it was okay, didn't hear any authenticity, bad actor in the middle, if this were an audition for a rock singer he wouldn't make it, doesn't think he's done enough to last until next week.
Jordin Sparks
Song: Living On a Prayer
My thoughts: Interesting song choice. Outfit is fine, and I love the hair today, especially the red highlights. Some of the low notes are just too low for her. Honestly, this song really isn't working for her at all. She's pitchy in places, off beat in others, and getting drowned out by the music in places she shouldn't be. This was actually almost karaoke like for her. She's a bit screechy at the end. Sorry sweetie, the glory note can't save you this week.
Judges say: Randy says this was an interesting one, this looked tough for her, she's not the rock girl, big notes in choruses were good, but the verses weren't so hot, low notes sucked, not her best. Paula says she went for it even knowing it was a bit out of her range, she's still hot. Simon says the look is out of the Addams Family, singing was out of control, verging on shrieking at times, at a disadvantage because of the category, terrible.
Lakisha Jones
Song: This Ain't a Love Song
My thoughts: What's up with the outfit? That stripe makes her look like a giant beachball. I like the shoulders bare look, but solid black would have been better. Hair is good. I don't really know the song very well, although I've heard it before. Seems like a reasonably good choice for her, though. And it does seem to be working pretty well for her. Emotionality is working. This is better than she's been in weeks. She blew this sucker out of the park.
Judges say: Randy says she's back this week, started a little rough/pitchy but my middle she sold everyone, blew it out the box, Lakisha is back. Paula says somethingmublyandincomprehensible. Simon says he could kiss her after that (and he does), she was so good, loved it, rose to the challenge, absolutely nailed it, glad she's back, nice lips.
Blake Lewis
Song: You Give Love a Bad Name
My thoughts: Gee, I bet his surprise involves beatboxing. Which is cool, because we haven't seen that in awhile. Outfit is fine. Looks like he's doing a minimally backgrounded version, interesting...This is definitely different, slower than I expected. Very original. Very contemporary, but he comes home in the chorus. People are either going to love this, or hate this. Personally, I think this was pretty damned awesome. I predict Simon will chew him a new asshole. Loved the ending.
Judges say: Randy says the most original award, most original song on AI ever, leap of faith, he won, that was hot. Paula says the biggest leap of faith, put himself out there, amazing, this was his night. Simon says there will be half the audience who hated it and half who loved it, things it was the right thing to do, very brave young man, took a massive risk, this is what is going to keep him in the competition next week.
Chris Richardson
Song: Dead or Alive
My thoughts: Outfit is okay, not bad, not great. He's nasally, go figure. He's also off pitch. He's over-emoting. Karaoke. Buh bye. Ending was half-passable, but not enough to save this from bar-quality mediocrity.
Judges say: Randy says did his thing, made it his own, kind of liked it. Paula says did his thing, good job. Simon says did as much as he could do with that song, not his style of music, not sure if it's good enough to stay another week.
Melinda Doolittle
Song: Have a Nice Day
My thoughts: Outfit is fine, nice and youthful. Still rockin' the cute hair. She may feel like she's out of her element, but she's still rockin' it. Vocally she's spot on. If this is Melinda "out of her element," everyone else just needs to give up now. Attitude was kickin', too.
Judges say: Randy says not her best performance, but great, loved the Tina Turner attitude, hot. Paula says game was on, great workout, sang her butt off. Simon says like a young Tina Turner, vocally in a different league than everyone else tonight.
My picks:
Top three: Lakisha, Blake, Melinda
Bottom three: Phil, Jordin, Chris R.
Gone: Chris R. and Phil
dindin, over to you.