____What is your favorite_______
1. Gum: Big Red
2. Restaurant: The Olive Garden
3. Drink: milk
4. Season: summer
5. Type of weather: sunny
6. Emotion: I'm going to be original and say... love
7. Thing to do on a half day: hang out with friends
9. Sport: BASEBALL
10. City: ATX
11. Store: Probably American Eagle or Wet Seal
_______When was the last time you_______
12. Cried: New Orleans trip
13. Played a sport: ..probably the last lacrosse practice I went to.. in December
14. Laughed: today
15. Hugged someone: today
16. Kissed someone: also today
17. Felt depressed: forever ago
18. Felt overworked: last night, when I was freaking out over the math review. silly amy!
19. Faked sick: last semester
20. Lied: I can't remember anything that would even make a difference
_______What was the last_______
21. Word you said: "Jennings"
22. Thing you ate: Geez. I didn't eat for 24 hours, and so for dinner tonight I had a chicken sandwich, an ice cream cone, fries, and a parfait. Not having lunch at school messes me up.
23. Song you listened to: Jack Johnson- Rodeo Clowns
24. Thing you drank: water
25. Place you went to: McDonalds
26. Movie you saw: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
27. Movie you rented: no clue
_______Who was the last person you_______
28. Hugged: Tarek
29. Cried over: Everybody involved in the whole New Orleans drama
30. Kissed: Taaaaarek
31. Danced with: Sydney, I think. At the very end of the band banquet lol
32. Shared a secret with: Merissa
33. Had a sleepover with: Merissa and Dana
34. Called: Dana
35. Went to a movie with: Tarek, Merissa, and Alex
36. Saw: mother dearest
37. Were angry with: me
38. Couldn't take your eyes off: Tarek :)
39. Were obsessed over: I haven't obsessed over anyone in a really long time. So I'm going to say Josh at the beginning of 8th grade, or Kevilina
_______Have you ever_______
40. Danced in the rain: yeah
41. Kissed someone: yeah
42. Done drugs: never
43. Drank alcohol: not a considerable amount
44. Partied 'til the sun came up: no
45. Had a movie marathon: yep
46. Gone too far on a dare: no
47. Spun until you were immensely dizzy: lol yeah, I used to do that all the time when I was little
48. Taken a survey quite like this before: no.. never lol
_______My life_______
49. Name: Amelia
50. Gender: female
51. Birthday: July 8th
52. Relationship status: taken
53. Nationality: 12.5% Danish, 50% Czech, 37.5% German... something along those lines lol
54. Occupation: student
55. I'm feeling: quiet
56. I'm listening to: John Williams (bet you can't guess what :P)
57. I'm doing: this survey
58. I'm talking to: no one
59. I'm craving: ...I have to pee
60. I'm thinking of: Tarek
61. I'm hating: the fact that it doesn't feel like the end of school. I know I'm going to miss some people that I don't miss right now, and probably won't talk to for a long time.
62. Love is: I don't know, let's ask Evan. What is love?
63. My first love: My first crush.. probably Andrew
64. My current love: Tarek <3
65. Love or lust: love
66. Best love song: that list would be too long
67. Is it possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time: not if you're truly in love
68. When love hurts:
69. Is there such thing as love at first sight?: Probably not
I'll do the rest later. I really don't feel like it right now.