Obama's Latest Promises

Feb 10, 2009 10:25

an analysis of BHO's latest political promises

The short version:
-BHO promises that the stimulus bill is 'pork free' while filling it with local and special interest projects
-BHO's job creation and preservation numbers are completely uncheckable - there is no way to count 'preserved jobs'
-BHO offered his democrat tax evading buddies positions in his administration
-BHO "We also inherited the most profound economic emergency since the Great Depression." I called this already, he's trying to deflect blame onto the previous administration. Also - we aren't even close to the economic troubles of the great depression - though BHO's attempts may yet put us there. Employment during the great depression were 25%-30%, we're currently at 7.6% - it was worse in 1992 at 7.8%.

bho, stimulus bill, political promises

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