
Jun 24, 2007 23:14

/usr/games/fortune :
fortune (6) - print a random, hopefully interesting, adage

A biologist, a statistician, a mathematician and a computer scientist are on a photo-safari in Africa. As they're driving along the savannah in their jeep, they stop and scout the horizon with their binoculars.

The biologist: "Look! A herd of zebras! And there's a white zebra!
Fantastic! We'll be famous!"
The statistician: "Hey, calm down, it's not significant. We only know
there's one white zebra."
The mathematician: "Actually, we only know there exists a zebra, which is
white on one side."
The computer scientist : "Oh, no! A special case!"

From IRC channel #debian

[xinkeT] "Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot
change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom
to hide the bodies of the people I had to kill because they
pissed me off."

The Heineken Uncertainity Principle :
You never know how many beers you had last night.

From #debian

[Reed] It is important to note that the primary reason the Roman Empire
fail is that they had no concept of zero... thus they could not
test the success or failure of their C programs.

#debian again!

[netgod] time flies when youre using linux
[doogie] yeah, infinite loops in 5 seconds.
[Teknix] has anyone re-tested that with 2.2.x ?
[netgod] yeah, 4 seconds now.

You know where this is from, by now, dont you ?!

[wc] red dye causes cancer, haven't you heard? (;
[Knghtbrd] fucking everything causes cancer, haven't you heard?
[Knghtbrd] =>
[archon] no, that causes aids

Mike Harding, "The Armchair Anarchist's Almanac"

America was discovered by Amerigo Vespucci and was named after him, until people got tired of living in a place called "Vespuccia" and changed its
name to "America".

... :)

[Overfiend] lilo: well then, you are probably a responsible thinker.
Welcome to a very small club.
[lilo] Overfiend: welcome me when you join :)

humour, debian, fortune

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