Stolen from too many people to count...

May 09, 2006 08:50

What is your most hated...

fruit? // Can't think of one.

candy? // Almond Joy.

beverage (non alcoholic)? // Prune juice.

color? // 1970's shades of green & yellow.

town/city? // Take your pick on the Florida Panhandle.

television show? // Alf.

movie? // Most of those produced in 2005.

aspect of myspace? // People who collect "friends."

aspect of livejournal? // The fact that some people want the world to be able to read every intimate detail of their lives.

aspect of aol instant messenger? // I must admit that I don't actually use AIM; I use iChat, which is what AIM would be if it were beautiful. AOL generally sucks. (Their headquarters is right up the road from my house...why can't terrorists--or the CIA--bomb it and start a war?)

animal? // Stray cats.

insect? // Mosquitoes.

bird? // Any bird that defecates on my car.

season? // How can you hate seasons? They add variety to live in your chosen environ.

age of kids? // Teenagers...unless they're well-behaved, which mine will be (considering they'll be excellent 2-3 year-olds).

What annoys you more than anything when...

driving? // DC drivers.

talking on the phone? // People who have dialed the wrong number and then act like it's your fault that you're not the person they intended to call.

watching TV or movies? // The adult who keeps kicking your chair accidentally because he hasn't learned to act like an adult; OR the fool who decides that he's so cool that he can answer his phone during the movie and carry on a conversation in front of me.

eating in restaurants? // Having to listen to the loud conversation 3 tables away.

going through drive-thru's? // When the person on the other end asks if I want the combo meal after I've already said I just want the sandwich.

you're at the mall? // Department store workers who act like they don't want to be there.

you're sleeping or trying to sleep? // Nothing prevents me from sleeping if I really want to sleep.

you're showering? // Having to get back out as soon as I get in to get something I forgot.

you're at the beach? // Too many beachgoers.

you're at the grocery store? // When people block the aisles with their shopping carts.

you're on a date? // When I can tell she's not enjoying herself and then has the nerve to say, "I had a great time; call me."

you cook or bake? // The time it takes to cook when all I want to do is eat.

What household chore do you hate the most? // Starting yardwork only to realize halfway through that I can't find the rake.

What do you think would be the absolute worst way to die? // There are a lot of horrible ways to die. I want to live.

What's the most annoying habit in others? // Eating loud enough (mouth open or closed) that I can hear what's going on in their mouth.

What is your worst habit? // Sitting in front of my computer.

What fashion trend, past or present, have you hated the most? // The Sag...I don't want to see your undies.

What popular song, past or present, have you hated the most? // As a musician and composer, I can't think of a song that I truly hate.

Worst or most hated pick-up line // All of them...I've never used them.

Worst thing about high school // It was an absolute waste of my time...I didn't learn anything in the classroom I hadn't already learned on my own. Consequently, I started my Gen Ed requirements for college while I was in 10th grade...equally unproductive, except for the fact that I got those requirements out of the way before I actually left to go to college.

Most irritating thing about your car // That I haven't had time to get my Fiat running again so that I can take it to California with me. My WRX can do no wrong.

What do you think is the most irritating thing about girls? // Far too friendly and forgiving to jerky guys.

What do you think is the most irritating thing about guys? // Their generally pretty jerky...yes, I know I'm a guy, but I've worked out the jerky bits.

What's annoying you today? // These wretched pharmacology lectures that are supposed to prepare us for internship...more stuff I already learned over the last two years of med school and have no desire to hear again. There are a few more things annoying me today, but I'm not going to bore you.
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