Today has been a nightmare. But first lets back up a little.
I applied to Gainesville State College back in November before the deadline. My application status went from pending to accepted. A week later I got an e-mail saying "We need your high school to send us a graduation conformation letter", alright no issue. Then my status went back to pending, yes I was excepted and then I suddenly was not anymore. My school wrote the letter and sent it to GSC as soon as they could. This all happened during the end of November. I heard nothing from GSC until the last week of December saying I was accepted (yes again). By this time I had my heart set on finding a job and taking my SAT/ACT, I wasn't very happy with the news. My mom convinced me just to go to college. I had to take all these placement test within a few days, blahblahblah. This is just all bullshit back story.
Today I went to orientation. I sat through boring long speeches that I could care less about for over 3 hours. Finally, it was time to register for classes. They had NONE of the classes I was planning on taking during any point of the day. Alright, I looked to see if they had any classes I needed and they didn't. I just walked out pissed, after going though all this crap and wasting my time they have no classes available that I needed. I mean I could have taken classes I already took in high school that aren't required for me to take just to be in college but I decided to not waste money on that.
I couldn't help but cry once I got to the car. I felt like I let my parents down, although this is out of my control. My mom reassured me that everything would work out and God has something different in store for me for the next semester.
It hit me today that I wasn't attending Faith Academy anymore, I am crying right now thinking about it. I've grown very attached to Faith this past year. I had friends for once at a school I was attending, I never had that before. I loved my teachers, I would spend every day there because I wanted to. Not because of the work. I have a feeling I will be up there a lot this semester to just talk with my friends & the teachers up there. I feel so loved and cared about when I am there. I don't want that chapter of my life to be closed just yet.
I apologize that this entry is all over the place. Sometimes I just need to close my eyes and type without thinking.