May 08, 2010 22:25
[Filtered from: Vincent Nightray & Echo/Noise & Naoya. (Courtesy of Break).]
[Sharon seems the slightest bit perplexed, but she is able to hide the majority of it rather well. If nothing else, she attempts to seem the slightest bit saddened. And a fair amount of her sadness is true, if not all of it. The disappearance of Break has left her the slightest bit... lonesome. But she simply attributes it to the fact that they rarely face seperation.]
Disappearances of ones close to you can certainly cause problems, can't they? Perhaps not even simply restricted to a logical level but maybe even... an emotional one.
[She wistfully sighs before making an attempt to smile.]
But one can simply do nothing more than keep up the morale, no?
[Filtered to: Oz Vessalius, Gilbert Nightray, & (Pandora Hearts) Alice]
I certainly hope it would not be too much trouble, but I simply can't think of anywhere else to stay until Break returns. If it wouldn't be too much of a burden, may I reside with you for the time being? I'm sure it will not last long. Break attempts to be - if nothing else - prompt. You would have my utmost gratitude, of course. I would be deeply in your debt.
[And an angelic smile from her. Do you dare to refuse?]
[OOC: Pretend this was posted on May 5th, when Break disappeared. I was just too busy and I'm sorry if responses are slow but... I'm still on that hiatus. I'm sorryyyyy.]
miss alice,
break where are you,
master oz~,
ew vincent get away,
gilbert don't be useless,
don't like these disappearances,
don't kill me ohmygod,
kidnapping do not want,
just a little psa,
don't read too far into it,
disobey and fear the wrath of sharon