Dec 30, 2006 12:36
Pears aLicious: helo
Auto Response from PlayaUtIallinuri: what is it that makes the heart grow fonder again?
Pears aLicious: hello***
Pears aLicious: i know your there dork answer me
PlayaUtIallinuri: whats up
Auto Response from Pears aLicious: work.
Pears aLicious: nothing, zoey says hello
PlayaUtIallinuri: cool
PlayaUtIallinuri: tell her i say hi
Pears aLicious: so babe...what does it take to make the heart grow fonder?
Pears aLicious: are u un fond at the moment?
PlayaUtIallinuri: no
Pears aLicious: that only answers one question
PlayaUtIallinuri: uh im pretty sure its absence
Pears aLicious: well is that what u want then?
PlayaUtIallinuri: no
Pears aLicious: zoe bo says uv ;been absant and her heart hasnt grown fonder in fact, she cant even remember who u are but lets keep in mind that shes just an animal, an itty bitty kitty
PlayaUtIallinuri: haha and the fact she never did like her dad
Pears aLicious: did u lol?
Pears aLicious: she did like u babe but she hasnt gotten the chance to warm up to u, she didnt like me at that stage either remember...she takes time, she likes ur personality tho
PlayaUtIallinuri: thats good to know that i have a chance
Pears aLicious: well id sure hope so cause if, just if we ever live together ur gunna have to get along with sneezing on her or anything cause thats rude
PlayaUtIallinuri: eh if she gets in my way i might on accident
Pears aLicious: oh well forget i said that cause its totally unrealistic
Pears aLicious: u could take medicine
Pears aLicious: did i spell that right
Pears aLicious: i seriously had to think about it for a second
Pears aLicious: babe i was out bid on ebay. how much does that blow. so im gunna wait until theres only a minute left to out bid him.
Pears aLicious: bam!
PlayaUtIallinuri: uh
PlayaUtIallinuri: for what
Pears aLicious: a text book
PlayaUtIallinuri: oh okay
PlayaUtIallinuri: thats good
Pears aLicious: that guys is selling it for ten bucks cheaper then everywhere else
Pears aLicious: so i jumped on it like u wouldnt beleive....first time iv ever used ebay really but oh well
Pears aLicious: i dont like ebay
Pears aLicious: i just wanna be able to buy my shit straight out, non of this waiting and bidding crap
PlayaUtIallinuri: yup i know what you're sayin
PlayaUtIallinuri: i still gotta get rid of my books
Pears aLicious: me dose
Pears aLicious: but that means iv gotta drive to campus and i dont wanna do that yet.
PlayaUtIallinuri: yeah
PlayaUtIallinuri: you should try to sell them online first though or something
PlayaUtIallinuri: cause the bookstore is gonna screw you
PlayaUtIallinuri: get less than 40 percent back prolly
Pears aLicious: well the thing i was thinkin is go and see what they would offer me for it and then ill decide...based on previous notes on what its selling for online...whether its worth it to just sell it to them
Pears aLicious: cause if u actually wanna sell it online u have to mark it down alil and marking it down might mean puttin git at the same price the book store is offerin ya kno
PlayaUtIallinuri: ya i guess so
PlayaUtIallinuri: so what are you planning for new years
Pears aLicious: i work 2 to close
Pears aLicious: if ur talkin new years eve
PlayaUtIallinuri: yes
PlayaUtIallinuri: ...
Pears aLicious: then u already know i asked u if ud spend the day with me.
Pears aLicious: and u already replied u would try.
Pears aLicious: how lovely.
PlayaUtIallinuri: wait do you work 2-close on new years eve
PlayaUtIallinuri: or new years day
Pears aLicious: day
Pears aLicious: time and a half
PlayaUtIallinuri: oh oka
PlayaUtIallinuri: okay
Pears aLicious: woot for 15.30
PlayaUtIallinuri: well i wanna go to my brothers house cause i think hes having a new years get together or something
PlayaUtIallinuri: or at least thats what i was planning on
Pears aLicious: u must not have been listing cause i said it was my day off and thats why i wanted to see u.
Auto Response from PlayaUtIallinuri: what is it that makes the heart grow fonder again?
Pears aLicious: did ur plans ever involve oh i dunnno me? cause u sure never mentioned it.
PlayaUtIallinuri: well id like you to come
PlayaUtIallinuri: but i dont want to sit at home
Pears aLicious: i didnt ask u to sit at home
Pears aLicious: in fact im pretty sure iv been the one askin to get outta the house
PlayaUtIallinuri: yes so why are you complaining again
Pears aLicious: i didnt me where i complained
PlayaUtIallinuri: ears aLicious: did ur plans ever involve oh i dunnno me? cause u sure never mentioned it.
PlayaUtIallinuri: that qualifies
Pears aLicious: it was a question jon, not complaining...u didnt ask me, but ur brother did and when he did u didnt say all. so i was just wonderin what it was u were plannin.
PlayaUtIallinuri: which brother?
PlayaUtIallinuri: im talking about chris
Pears aLicious: i know
Pears aLicious: when we were all in the living room.
PlayaUtIallinuri: yeah
Pears aLicious: he said and u can come too sarah.
PlayaUtIallinuri: i know
PlayaUtIallinuri: okay...
PlayaUtIallinuri: jake will probably come too
Pears aLicious: so u mentioned it to jake already
PlayaUtIallinuri: yes in the car on the way home
Pears aLicious: well maybe u should just go with jake, especially if u actualy wanna have fun cause i dunno i can tell u dont like it when im around, u get all depressed and moppie and dont talk too much and if u do u hvae an attitude.
PlayaUtIallinuri: ...
PlayaUtIallinuri: why would you say that
Pears aLicious: because its what iv observed
PlayaUtIallinuri: ...i havent seen that
Pears aLicious: well how often do u look at urself?
PlayaUtIallinuri: the only time i have an attitude is when you repeatedly do something i say i dont want you to do
PlayaUtIallinuri: like tickle me
Pears aLicious: well im going to do anythign to get ur attention since u act like i dont exist.
PlayaUtIallinuri: i dont think i do, but okay
PlayaUtIallinuri: i wouldnt invite you to things if i thought you didnt exist
Pears aLicious: u dont...i ask if i can go with u almost every time.
PlayaUtIallinuri: not really, i have invited you quite a bit
Pears aLicious: quite a bit more then u wanted? cause its not quite a bit, u say ur at jakes and i ask if i can come see u and u say..."i guess, if u want to" thats not inviting...thats saying god she asked to see me again. cant be outwardly mean so i better just say whatever practicaly
PlayaUtIallinuri: or i leave the option to you whether or not you want to come and hang out with my best friend
PlayaUtIallinuri: which is what "if you want to" means
PlayaUtIallinuri: cause if i say
PlayaUtIallinuri: come over to jakes now
PlayaUtIallinuri: you'll say that im demanding
PlayaUtIallinuri: or find something else to pick a fight about
Pears aLicious: actually jon id rather ud demand me to come see u, cause i always feel like u are indifferent about it, show me u wanna see me cause soemtimes i dont feel like you do
Pears aLicious: well...anyways...i owe u an apology because i have been picking alot of fights lately and even though i view it mroe as voicing how im feeling more then picking a fight, alot of it is due to my lack of self esteem/confidence and outta a need for you. so Im sorry but i have been upset lately and yes most of it is my fault for being so sensitive lately but i cant help how im feeling and i tend to mention it...
PlayaUtIallinuri: yes well i know some of its not your fault, but i dont know what to tell you sarah, im not happy alot at this point of my life and i cant pretend to be sometimes so thats why i have an attitude or seem indifferent to things, like seeing you, because im typically in a bad mood alot
Pears aLicious: but isnt the special part of a relationship in general how happy we should make each other? but i cant seem to make u happy anymore and for me to be happy i need to feel like you are happy with me cause right now im not happy with me and i need ur approval to feel good.
Auto Response from PlayaUtIallinuri: what is it that makes the heart grow fonder again?
PlayaUtIallinuri: well its not your fault im unhappy sarah, its probably mine, and you shouldnt base your happiness on mine because you'll be in for some disappointments
PlayaUtIallinuri: we've been going through this too
Pears aLicious: i have been in for some diappointment
Pears aLicious: what do umean
PlayaUtIallinuri: you were unhappy or depressed or whatever emotion it was and i couldnt help it
PlayaUtIallinuri: and on a side note, when i want to go to bed sarah, dont get pissed off and say im avoiding a conversation, i say what i want to say and then i go to bed typically because im exhausted, im not ducking a conversation
Pears aLicious: well now i know how u felt and im sorry for not making more of an effort, i get how hard that can be.
Pears aLicious: fine
Pears aLicious: sometimes im just nto ready to end a conversation
Auto Response from PlayaUtIallinuri: I am away from my computer right now.
PlayaUtIallinuri: and sometimes i am
PlayaUtIallinuri: after it gets repetitive
PlayaUtIallinuri: or when i have to work early
Pears aLicious: well if we dont talk we cant fix this
PlayaUtIallinuri: fix what
Pears aLicious: our relationship cause it kinda sucks right nwo have u not noticed?
Pears aLicious: i thought it was obvious
PlayaUtIallinuri: yes i have noticed, its just hard to put more effort in
PlayaUtIallinuri: and lately ive been wanting to do a lot of things independently of you, not because i dont enjoy your company, its just how im feeling lately
Pears aLicious: maybe, its not our relationship we should be putting effort into right now, we both seem very unahppy with our lives...
PlayaUtIallinuri: and anytime i want to do something independent its like im insulting you. im not, i just need time like that sometimes
Pears aLicious: yes i noticed and it hurt when all of a sudden u were so blantely pulling away from me when i feel like i need u very much.
Pears aLicious: i dont have anythign to do independantly from you babe, i dont know what to do without you so i get upset
PlayaUtIallinuri: i know and im sorry
PlayaUtIallinuri: but thats just my personality lately
Pears aLicious: and iv been noticing lately that i have more problems then i ever realized.
Pears aLicious: and i tend to attribute them to you and our relationship and skirt all of my responsibility in the matter.
PlayaUtIallinuri: yeah
Pears aLicious: so we decided it was time for me to see a psychiatrist
PlayaUtIallinuri: ...
Pears aLicious: i have been expecting you to make me happy when in truth i need to make myself happy and if u do then that should be an added benefit cause one person cant make you completely happy, and i dont know how to fix that problem.
PlayaUtIallinuri: yeah you're right
Pears aLicious: i dont know hwo to seperate the two
Pears aLicious: i dont know how not to relie on you
PlayaUtIallinuri: you've done it before havent you
Pears aLicious: the longer our relationship has gotten the more things i have dropped from my life
Pears aLicious: its to thepoint where u and school and work is all i have.
Pears aLicious: so when things with u apparently turned sour i did too and i began to pick fights.
Pears aLicious: so im sorry for causing all of this.
PlayaUtIallinuri: well its not all entirely your fault
PlayaUtIallinuri: but yes i agree, you need more in your life than me, work, and school
Pears aLicious: iv been thinking lately that the only way for me to really become happy again i need time on my own, i need to work it out on my own and learn how to just be me, without you. this relationship is not healthy right now and it wont be until i can learn to be healthy with out you
Auto Response from PlayaUtIallinuri: I am away from my computer right now.
Pears aLicious: i dunno if thats what i want or if its the right decision but its been in my head
Pears aLicious: and i should elaborate that when i say on my own i dont mean relationship wise, i mean more like a break, i dont wanna be with anyone else or be "single" and free to do what i want with other people
Pears aLicious: will you say something please
Pears aLicious: your opinion
PlayaUtIallinuri: well i think itd be good if we did spend a little time apart more often, still seeing each other but not just as intense i guess
Pears aLicious: i meant more along the lines of maybe seeing you as often as i would see one of my friends, i am dependant on you jon, that is flat out not healthy and until i can break away from you and feel that pain and deal with it a grow i can not be with you and now be dependant.
Pears aLicious: not*
PlayaUtIallinuri: yeah i understand that
Pears aLicious: i wanna talk to you, maybe just be friends, and see u on special occasions ya know? by no means so i wanna just cut u outta my life cuase well ur all i want in my life but thats obviously not all i need
Pears aLicious: do i wanna***
PlayaUtIallinuri: yeah
Pears aLicious: i need u to say more
Pears aLicious: say what ur thinking/feeling please
PlayaUtIallinuri: um well it sounds like you have already made up your mind so whatever i say i dont think will have too much effect, i think the friendship thing is a good idea, but ill want to see you more often than just on "special occassions". but if its what you need then i guess i can give you that
Pears aLicious: well i still wanna hear what u have to say
Pears aLicious: and ya know id like to see u alil more too
Pears aLicious: like on dates...
Pears aLicious: like people who are just starting out.
Pears aLicious: all nice like
PlayaUtIallinuri: yeah
Pears aLicious: i wanna start all the way over with you
Pears aLicious: i think we need that
PlayaUtIallinuri: yeah me too, but i think its different than what you were just saying
PlayaUtIallinuri: so you're confusing me
Pears aLicious: yeah i know
Pears aLicious: cause thats really hard for me to think about
Pears aLicious: but i think this way is a good idea
PlayaUtIallinuri: ok
Pears aLicious: maybe u could save one night a week for me and our date?
PlayaUtIallinuri: yeah i think i could do that
Pears aLicious: well...what night do u want? cause ill put it in my availability that i cant work on that night.
PlayaUtIallinuri: hmm usually fridays are good
Pears aLicious: alright its a date.
PlayaUtIallinuri: heh
PlayaUtIallinuri: i know this conversation isnt over, but i really need some rest, so we can talk some more about this tomorrow
Pears aLicious: alright well i work at six
Pears aLicious: oh wait...i need my cell phone, ill get it fixed tomorrow...
PlayaUtIallinuri: ok
Pears aLicious: but when can i get it i need it while ur at work
PlayaUtIallinuri: um i guess you could come up to work but im probably gonna be off at like 2:30 or 3
Pears aLicious: well bring it with u and when i wake up ill come and get it
PlayaUtIallinuri: okay
PlayaUtIallinuri: ill see you tomorrow
Pears aLicious: alright, goodnight darling
PlayaUtIallinuri: goodnight
Pears aLicious: i love you, i hope you know that no matter how things are for awhile
Auto Response from PlayaUtIallinuri: I am away from my computer right now.