Nov 24, 2004 13:47

It's AWE time! For those of you who are new, AWE means Answered With Elegance and it's an opportunity for supporthelps to nominate answers they see in their categories that are specifically pretty or elegant, answers that go the extra mile. They email them to me (my username) and I post them whenever I have a number of links that my OCD likes. Please do send links whenever you've go them, I filter them into a little folder in my inbox and the sooner I get a good number of links, the more often I can do this. :) - answered in Gunk by platys - pretty cool answer, nicely organizes a lot of possibilities. - answered in Gunk by jayo - Oh. Dear. Lord. This answer was frigging sweet! LOVED this one! It really answers the user's question very carefully and thoughtfully. - answered in Gunk by alsatia with a helpful IC from daveman692 - Creative suggestions for a LiveJournal-themed party. - answered in Gunk by mysteriousaliwz - Nice! I like that mysteriousaliwz mentioned that protected entries will not be seen and clarified that friends will not be able to change any settings. - answered in Comms by cynical_asshat - Covers everything nicely, good FAQ choice. - answered in Comms by isabeau - Great explanation why future-dating doesn't work in communities and
what option there is instead. - answered in Styles by jayo with helpful ICs from xtremesaints, camomiletea, and __kali__ - nice teamwork effort in ICs giving lots of useful information, and a shiny answer which brings together useful info and NOP. - answered in Syn by isabeau - This is a very nice answer to a common syn question and I want people to see it and learn from it, so have an AWE submission! - answered in Gunk by boredinsomniac with helpful ICs from rho - boredinsomniac scores a goal here, with an assist by rho! - answered in Gunk by teshiron with a helpful IC from knagl - Was exactly what I wanted to write, but far, far prettier. - answered in Web by boredinsomniac - Just the right amount of hand-holding without talking down to the user or assuming they know too much. Very nicely done. answered in Gunk by isabeau - I think Isabeau wrote a lovely answer to this request, answering all the user's potential questions about a confusing issue. - answered in Gunk by nulz - This is a strange request and she handled it very well. Explaining how comments can work as a guestbook and the going on to mention that they can link to one. She was also very patient and thorough and gave the user what they wanted but directed them to the links for the bulk of the information. It's just shiny <3 - answered in Gunk by norinel - Covers everything the user could want to know. Very well thought out and answered. - answered in Styles by shiningkianna - I <3 shiningkianna so very, very much for figuring out what the (very unusual) problem was while the rest of us were going 'eek, but it /should/ work'. As the approving IC says 'genius. sheer genius.' Excellent troubleshooting skills that had *everyone* stumped. Really smart. - Answered in Web by fugaciouslover - Ooh, perfect. Everything I wanted -- very nicely done. - Answered in Gunk by imc - Gorgeous answer by a brand new volunteer. <33333 - Answered in Styles by phoenixdreaming - And once again I want to shout from the rooftops that Phoenixdreaming knows how to write an answer, and knows how to write a goddamn *GOOD* answer. *grinds up ponies, bunnies and moonbeams and showers PD with them* - answered in Web by norinel - excellent research skills! - answered in Gunk by jayo with helpful ICs from isabeau, mambosking, and burr86 - Very tactfully put and convincing.


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