[ooc] app post; lol late

May 21, 2008 14:52

In with 77.8%!

Character: Heihachi
Series: Amatsuki
Age: definitely teenaged, looks around 16-18
Canon: You know those people that say, "a little learning never hurt?" Well, when you're Rikugou Tokidoki, that doesn't quite ring true. When making up for his low history grade at a virtual reality simulation of Edo-era Japan, Toki is attacked by a monster, and things suddenly become a lot less virtual. Stuck in a version of Edo where humans and very real demons are at war, Toki has to deal with culture shock, figuring out his sudden strange powers, and each side of the war vying for him to join them. But hey, it's a learning experience.

A friend of Toki's, Heihachi is a resident of Edo, and is by far the most normal re-occuring one. He's perfectly average in every way- no powers, no curses, and no extraordinarily good looks. (In fact, his looks have gotten him the nickname "hyottoko," which is a kind of clown figure from Japanese theater with a distorted face and large round eyes.) Though that last one might occasionally send him into sparkling fits of depression, Heihachi is usually a fairly agreeable person who values his friends and has no problem with working hard. He does, however, have a tendency to spazz when startled. Or annoyed. Or scared. But Heihachi is a proudly self-proclaimed true child of Edo! He's reliable and generally polite (unless you hit one of his self-esteem buttons,) and he would do anything for his friends. YEAH! EDO STYLE!

Sample Post:

E-ehhhh... Hello? Anyone there? I'm supposed to be delivering something here... So has anyone seen a big unmarked white tent? ....Of course no one's seen it; there's no one around! I shouldn't have taken directions from that drunkard moaning about giant squid. It's creepy heeeere~~ A forest should have more life! But something must have made that mess by the lak-- KYAA! W-who are you?! T-the customer? Ahh, it's so nice to see someone else around here! Even if they could really use a bath! Oh, if you left your package in your tent, I can just follow you there to get it! As long as it ends up in my hands, it's no problem!

Hey, what's all this stuff you ordered for, anyway? Flaming rings, flaming batons, and a flaming magician?! I guess you have to have a theme for this "circus" thing, whatever it is... Huh?! It's your failing business? That's terrible! Is... is there anything I can do? If there is, I would be happy to help! Yeah, even if it means changing into some of your clothes! Why would you need me to, though? And what's with this suit? Yellow with red spots is so tacky! It's-- hey! Hmph. Just because I ask a lot of questions doesn't mean I don't have any brains! You don't have to ask about them so earnestly like that. Anyway, I can't do you a favor if I don't know what it... it's... A CLOWN SUIT?! What makes you think I would be suited to that? If... if it's my face, that's just cruel...

Ehhh... well... I made a promise, so I'll do it! I'm a child of Edo, and I don't go back on my word! And I think I might know what your business is missing... Your performers are really amazing, but they spend all their time groaning! Their performance needs more passion and energy, or else their act will all go to pieces. It can be saved, though, unless... t-their bodies go to pieces too?! W-waaah! Are they all right?! W...well, I've seen some pretty amazing things, so if you say it's just a flesh wound, I'll believe you... U-uwaaaaah, so scary...

A...ahem, so I was at passion and energy! Your animals... they have plenty of both of those, but if they would direct them towards performing instead of each other... What I'm saying is, the thing you're missing here is life! But don't worry, with some hard work we could have it fixed right up! For the animals... I hear cold water can help with that! And we can turn those groans into cheers! If the audience wants antics, we'll give them antics! If the audience wants action, we'll give them action!

--Huh? What's that? "With my looks, that's the only action I'll be getting..." --H-HEY! I DON'T NEED TO HEAR THAT FROM YOU!

app, ooc

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