Who has Safari?

Feb 05, 2006 15:07

Any of you reading this who have Safari, please listen up.

I need to find out what's going with "The Boxer" and replying to comments from EntryPage pages (http://www.livejournal.com/support/see_request.bml?id=550340 and http://www.livejournal.com/support/see_request.bml?id=544704) and whether it's something we can fix. I don't have access to Safari (or even a Mac, for that matter), so I need some help from you guys.

Could you please load this public entry (it has the s2id of my "The Boxer" style) and see if you can reply to my entry. Let me know whether or not you can, and also let me know which version of Safari you're using. We'll go from there once I find out who can and can't.

Edit: Sorry, I should have been more specific. The problem, as shown in the two support requests I linked, is that some people using Safari can't click on the reply button when replying to the top level post on the EntryPage. Therefore, I only need to know whether you can click that link successfully. You don't need to actually leave a comment. :)

Additionally, if anyone has any ideas about what the problem might be, please also let me know about those. :)

Thank you!

Edit 2: The issue has been resolved. Thanks very much to norinel and bridgetester! <3