Kids, it's that time of year again. August 22, that special day when, if you're an awesome fangirl, it must be your birthday. Because there's no other day of the year when I have - not one, not two, not even three! - four, FOUR friends blowing out birthday candles. So help me wish the happiest birthday wishes to these awesome girls:
binkii822, and
missparker! I love you ladies - you make fandom great!
a_loquita and I have been on a Newsroom high lately, so I made her some icons. Hope you like them, hon! Let me know if you want a specific character/pairing, etc.
Also, also. Not related to birthdays, but amusing:
Penis size by state. West Coast, represent!
36 Very Important Shirtless Things That Happened At The Swimming World Championships *
Internet BFFs are the best (
a_loquita! We get bonus points for #2!)