Feb 10, 2009 14:04
1. It started hailing outside today. The one day I needed to wear my suit. I had forgotten my suit coat in Portland and so I had to use an umbrella in a hailstorm. Freakin cold!
2. On my way to school my backpack broke, I had to carry my backpack all the way to lunch, all the way back to school, and soon all the way home. The zipper on my bag is broke and my bag is stuck in the wide open position. Also the weather sucks (see above)
3. In the trauma of going to school, I forgot the power cord for my mac. I went to the tech center at the law school and this is the first time since they started using computers that all of their spare power cords are checked out. it's 2:11, I need my laptop till 4:30, and I have an 1h 42mins left of power with my screen set to the lowest power setting besides no power.