I have realized that my friends are the actual smile on my face. I will NEVER forget all the fun times I have with all of them even if its somethign small like creating a sex alphabet or something big like tripping over a pile of bookbags in front of the entire quad. They make me happy and are the people I run to when im sad. OCCASIONALY they piss me off, but i just snap at them and call them a bitch and theyre back to their normal self :). Everyday I go about my normal business and never stop to appreciate all the little things I forget to stop and cherish. And my friends are one of those things. It was so hard for me to move in the middle of last year and come into a school where I knew nobody. It was absolute torture, no one understood me and I felt like an outkast. And sometimes I just want to thank god on how lucky I am to have who I do now in my life. All my friends are amazing, you guys help me get through my days in this hell hole of school. If you ever need me , ill always be there for you. So if youre sad or happy, come to me, ill be waiting with open arms to make you a better person, like you did to me.
Today was horrible. I came to school just cause it was spring picture day and the day seemed to draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag through. It was horrible. My nose wasnt breathing, my voice kept cracking and i smelled like fucking Vaporub which if you didnt know smells like shit and makes your chest burn like a mother. Jojo fucking pissed on the curtains again so I got advice from our next door neighbors on how to train him. I walked him like 12 times and I amd glad to say he didnt pee in the house at all. Last period in gym we had the pictures, which took like 5 minutes so we had the rest of the period to talk and crap. I did cheerleading with cayla , heather and brittany hahaha and tripped and flew over a pile of bookbags in front of the entire quad. IT WAS EMBARESSING. I noticed i eat WAYYYY too much. I have to stop. Im getting big. WE HAD MRS. CHUNG TODAY! , she is my hero. I LOVE her. I have all my make up homework to do, and tonights regular homework. UHHHHH. I HATE THIS. only 58 more days. 8D
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. our journey to the supermarket was finished.