(no subject)

Sep 08, 2005 22:10

so yeah, today was the first day of school. it was actually pretty damn awesome. i woke up at like 6:30am and then got dressed and such.

i cried for a while because of just everything that was happening. and it ruined my face for a while. i looked really white and stuff. oh well. i walked to the bus stop and i met friends. allie and danielle. they're SO awesome. and both really funny. so yeah she was all "OH MY GOD DANIELLE I HAVE SOOO MANY PEOPLE TO INTRODUCE YOU TO!" lmao. yeah they were all 8th graders and stuff. so yeah i sat with anthony, garret, tara and ashlee on the bus. ;P i was soooooo nervous my god. but the bus seemed to have alot of cool people on it. so that's good.

my bus was fucking an hour late. so the whole bus had to go in the office to sign in. @@ yeah so i was late for class and all the seats were taken so i had to sit next to all these weird kids that think they're awesome. god. i took off my hoodie and put it in my locker and jack was all "OMFG WHERE DID YOUR ALL AMERICAN REJECTS HOODIE GO?!" i was like lmfao..

there is like 30000000 freaking hott kids in my school. ;o and 3 of them complimented me. :) that = not usual. one kid with blonde shaggy hair was like "i love your hair straight" and then one with brown shaggy hair and an underoath shirt was like "HOTT SHOES!" and i was like "HOTT SHIRT!" ;P and then adrian was like "i love your shoes, i want them." yeah so that was nice.

my teachers are cool. they all have napoleon dynamite and band posters in their classrooms. :D! one had a foo fighters poster and i was like hehhhhh and then one had a rolling stone magazine one and it was like a practically naked lady so i was like 'wow, that's great.'

i got lost a few times. but i made alot of friends that helped me. i won't get into detail cause i'm lazy right now.

after school was so freaking awesome. my bus was late and like all the kids in the school were waiting outside in the blazing heat for their busses. lmao, and so my whole bus was trying to find each other. and we were like I SPOT A KIIIIIIID and everything and like we'd lose people and stuff so we'd have to like dive in. ;P lmao. and it was like 6th 7th and 8th graders which is the whole school. it was really fun. but what annoyed me was how we had to walk so far in jeans and tshirts in the heat not knowing where we were going. ;P but oh well it was somewhat fun. ;p

well yeah so after school i went back to go practice my locker and decorate a little. tara called my house and my mom told her i was at the school so tara came over to the school and played around with her locker and stuff. so we were like going around the school and stuff with a bunchhh of other kids and we saw kelly and said hi and all. her locker has freaking MOLD in it. it's DISGUSTING. ;P and it's jammed.

then we went to staples and i got some stuff for my lockerrrrrr, friendly's and petco. we got crickets for the lizard and my sister got 2 hermit crabs.

yeah so i'm actually excited for tomorrow.
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