Feb 19, 2006 13:28
so parents... heres what i would say if i could...
(you don't know my parents but if you did youw ould feel the same)
first off i would tell them to get over themselves! they say they trust me but not the world.. well you fucking assholes gotta let me be me and discover my own shit! you cant just take over my decision making right! im sixteen legally allowed to move out of you house, legally allowed to drive a vehicle with a licensed driver, legally allowed to make a decision for myself! when my parents go out of town they dont leave me home alone.. k thats fair but they leave me with clare i feel as though i want to die after spending like 2 minutes with her shes the devil! i not only have 2 parents i have 4 and you know im tired of it.. im tired of trying to fight for what i think is fair im just going to send a hude fuck you to my parents for not trusting me! im fucking responsible! i know how to deal with situations they may not knwo it but i am! i know how to handle myself when ive had afew i know the numbers for cabs! i know all the things that could go wrong and what things i could do ! here are some examples of their crazy rules...
1. not allowed on a bus once it got dark.... so 4 o'clock in the winter
2. not allowed to have more then one sleepover a weekend
3. Not allowed to miss more then 2 family dinners a week *we have a fam dinner every night*
4. not allowed to be on the phone more then like an hour without them hasseling me
5. they tell me i should go to bed... im 16 bitches
6. i get in shit for wearing sweatpants
7. my mom tries to tell me how to dress
8. my parents dont sit down and ever listen to me
9. i cant tell them the truth about anything cause they are so uptight
10. they say im responsible but dont let me do anything
11. they treat me like a piece of their property... like i belong to them... well you know what i dont i want out!
12.i get in shit if i get a lower average then 85%
13. they tell me they give me so much and i should appreciate it *i do but that doesnt me i have to like it!*
14. they still think im 5
so basically i am fucking pissed at my parents and nothing will ever chagne with them so....