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Jul 17, 2006 05:31

Really Long Survey (over 200)

Created by starsbleed2nite and taken 316451 times on Bzoink
What is your name?hollyAre you named after anyone?nopeWhat's your screename?TEQUiLA H BAMWould you name a child of yours after you?nahIf you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?dylanIf you could switch names with a friend who would it be?brooklynn..which is jessica mosier's little sister hahahaAre there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?some people spell it with an iWould you drop your last name if you became famous?yesBasicsYour gender:femaleStraight/Gay/Bi:straightSingle?alwaysIf not, do you want to be?/Birthdate:january 4th, 1990Your age:16Age you act:anywhere from 12-21Age you wish you were:18Your height:5'5"Eye color:blueHappy with it?yupHair color:dark brownHappy with it?yupLefty/righty/ambidextrous:rightyYour living arrangement:with both parents [for now] and my younger sisterYour family:steve, stella, rodney, kristaHave any pets?2 dogs, both outside. 2 cats, 1 outside. a goldfish.Whats your job?hahaPiercings?3 in each ear, mid&upper cartlidge in rightTattoos?nopeObsessions?soffe shorts, lipgloss, flip flops, sleepingAddictions?textingDo you speak another language?not fluentlyHave a favorite quote?well behaved women rarely make historyDo you have a webpage?myspace?Deep Thoughts About Life and You in itDo you live in the moment?i tryDo you consider yourself tolerant of others?most people..&if i don't, i'll act like i do around themDo you have any secrets?who doesn'tDo you hate yourself?nopeDo you like your handwriting?yupDo you have any bad habits?yesWhat is the compliment you get from most people?pretty eyes, nice legs. gay gay gayIf a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?behind this smileWhat's your biggest fear?screwing up my lifeCan you sing?everybody can sing. just not wellDo you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?nopeAre you a loner?hahaha pretty muchWhat are your #1 priorities in life?always make [what i think is] the right decision, do whatever makes me happyIf you were another person, would you be friends with you?probably not. but i would laugh at myself hahahaAre you a daredevil?not reallyIs there anything you fear or hate about yourself?nopeAre you passive or agressive?passiveDo you have a journal?livejournalWhat is your greatest strength and weakness?strength- acting like nothing is wrong. weakness- jealousyIf you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?how i control my emotionsDo you think you are emotionally strong?noIs there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?too much of bothDo you think life has been good so far?yupWhat is the most important lesson you've learned from life?whatever it is you're wanting to do, stick your ass out and do it. what's the worst that could happen?What do you like the most about your body?legsAnd least?stomachDo you think you are good looking?sometimesAre you confident?um more than i used to beWhat is the fictional character you are most like?gretchen weiners from mean girlsAre you perceived wrongly?sometimesDo You...Smoke?hell noDo drugs?fuck noRead the newspaper?nopePray?yesGo to church?yesTalk to strangers who IM you?yesSleep with stuffed animals?yesTake walks in the rain?noTalk to people even though you hate them?yesDrive?yesLike to drive fast?yesWould or Have You Ever?Liked your voice?sometimesHurt yourself?not intentionallyBeen out of the country?nopeEaten something that made other people sick?yesBeen in love?yesDone drugs?nopeGone skinny dipping?yesHad a medical emergency?um, no but i've been to the er?Had surgery?nopeRan away from home?nopePlayed strip poker?nope Gotten beaten up?nopeBeaten someone up?nopeBeen picked on?yesBeen on stage?yesSlept outdoors?yesThought about suicide?nopePulled an all nighter?yesIf yes, what is your record?just 1 day hahaha i'm lameGone one day without food?yes..believe it or notTalked on the phone all night?yesSlept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?yesSlept all day?yesKilled someone?nopeMade out with a stranger?yesHad sex with a stranger?nopeThought you're going crazy?yesKissed the same sex?yesDone anything sexual with the same sex?nopeBeen betrayed?yesHad a dream that came true?yesBroken the law?yesMet a famous person?yesHave you ever killed an animal by accident?yes..peter cottontailOn purpose?nopeTold a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?yesStolen anything?nopeBeen on radio/tv?yesBeen in a mosh-pit?nopeHad a nervous breakdown?nope but i've hypervenelatedBungee jumped?yesHad a dream that kept coming back?yesBeliefsBelive in life on other planets?noMiracles?yesAstrology?yesMagic?to an extentGod?yesSatan?yesSanta?noGhosts?yesLuck?yesLove at first sight?noYin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?yesWitches?noEaster bunny?noBelieve its possible to remain faithful forever?yesBelieve theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?yesDo you wish on stars?yesDeep Theological QuestionsDo you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?yesDo you think God has a gender?noDo you believe in organized religion?idk what that isWhere do you think we go when we die?heaven or hellFriendsDo you have any gay/lesbian friends?yesWho is your best friend?klairWho's the one person that knows most about you?klairWhat's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?MOVE ON.Your favourite inside joke?too many!Thing you're picked on most about?my fake voiceWho's your longest known friend?lizNewest?brentShyest?holliFunniest?rachel, klair, jessica, brent, bryan, jordanSweetest?hilaryClosest?klairWeirdest?mm..Smartest?katieDitziest?rachelFriends you miss being close to the most?jessicaLast person you talked to online?jaime like, 2 days ago hahahaWho do you talk to most online?mattWho are you on the phone with most?klairWho do you trust most?klairWho listens to your problems?klair, brentWho do you fight most with?mm..Who's the nicest?bryanWho's the most outgoing?bryan, jessica, rachelWho's the best singer?klairWho's on your shit-list?pretty much everyone i haven't mentionedh ahahHave you ever thought of having sex with a friend?yesWho's your second family?i don't have one hahahaDo you always feel understood?nopeWho's the loudest friend?rachelDo you trust others easily?yesWho's house were you last at?mm..brent's with klair i thinkName one person who's arms you feel safe in:i'd rather not say his name =(Do your friends know you?klair&brent do..but klair knows moreFriend that lives farthest away:ashleyLove and All ThatDo you consider love a mistake?nopeWhat do you find romantic?anything from the notebookTurn-on?SENSE OF HUMOR, hands&shoulders, smells good, preppy/athleticTurn-off?smoking&everything opposite of what i just saidFirst kiss?in my closet in 3rd gradeIf someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?ignore them!Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or goingyesHave u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy outnoHave you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractivnoDo you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?noWhat is best about the opposite sex?how secure they make you feelWhat is the worst thing about the opposite sex?how they don't notice the small stuff sometimesWhat's the last present someone gave you?a mixed cdAre you in love?yesDo you consider your significant other hot?i don't have a significant otherWho Was the Last Person...That haunted you?this little shit that walked past kelly, hilary, klair&i at waverlyYou wanted to kill?nobodyThat you laughed at?kristaThat laughed at you?kristaThat turned you on?=)You went shopping with?klairThat broke your heart?jordanTo disappoint you?my momTo ask you out?mm..nobody hahahaTo make you cry?jordanTo brighten up your day?jordanThat you thought about?jordan..obviously since the past 2 asnwers have been about him hahahaYou saw a movie with?kristaYou talked to on the phone?ashleyYou talked to through IM/ICQ?jaime 2 days agoYou saw?kristaYou lost?jordanRight This Moment...Are you going out?nopeWill it be with your significant other?/Or some random person?/What are you wearing right now?nh basketball shirt and royal blue soffesBody part you're touching right now:my leg is crossed over my other legWhat are you worried about right now?my familyWhat book are you reading?the wedding..againWhat's on your mousepad?mtvUse 5 words to describe how you're feeling:awake, bored, full, excited, itchyAre you bored?yesAre you tired?noAre you talking to anyone online?noAre you talking to anyone on the phone?noAre you lonely or content?contentAre you listening to music?no
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