Every year at my office we nominate families that are less fortanute than ourselves and vote on who we will be a "Secret Santa" for. Then we collect food, and try to get them all the presents and necessities on their wish list. I do give food and presents every year, but this year I also got to help deliver them. After seeing how our adopted family lives day to day and the hard ships they deal with, I will become a lot more involved in this next year.
Minnie, Joseph and their 3 grandchildren live in a cramped trailer in a pretty bad side of town. They receive no financial help from the parents, and are faced with medical bills for the oldest child's disease (he has Osteogenesis imperfecta or sometimes called "brittle bone disesase"). It was pretty emotional, Minnie started crying, then my co worker Dorinda started crying, I got a little teary eyed but luckily I was able to keep myself in check.
There was so much food donated, that it would not all fit on the kitchen table, so all over the kitchen floor there bags and boxes full of food for them. And not just canned goods, stuff you would actually want to eat. There were several garbage bags stuffed with presents too, all the presents totally drawfed their Christmas tree. We also were able to pitch in and get two of the boys a new bunk bed. The oldest boy had asked for a used PS2, and we were able to get that as well and games to go with it. I hope they have an awesome Christmas.
Doug and I getting all the presents secured in the delivery truck.
All the presents and food. We had one other vehicle with more food in the back too.
Delivering all the presents and food to the adopted family.