The last two mornings I stepped outside and it felt great! Instead of being greeted with humid, sticky air, it was crisp and cool out. I cannot wait for the leaves to start changing colors and to be able to wear my big black coat and my favorite scarf.
I am thinking about just cutting the crap and becoming a vegan. The more and more material I read about it and the more I think about it, it only makes sense. I already avoid meat and milk. I also avoid products that are tested on animals, like anything from Proctor and Gamble. It seems silly that I keep eating cheese and eggs, when they contribute to animals suffering and imprisonment too. It would be more work, I'd have to research more about things I'd buy, but really I don't think being an informed consumer is ever a bad thing. I just look at my girls, my puppies, Fiona and Maybelle. And I think about how much it would hurt to see them in pain or suffering, and I do not want to contribute to any animals misery. I have nothing against people that don't subscribe to my views, they just haven't come to these conclusions yet, or see things differently. I don't expect to change the world, or convert the unwilling, but it would make me feel less guilty about what I am consuming and buying.