mmk....ima start crossposting all my xanga posts so you dang LJ people can stay up to date on me....

Jan 09, 2005 07:59

word as i said before i'm just gonna update w/e i feel necessary/want to, lol....

everyone should go here and tell Megan Brienzo that guys in girl pants is hot/cool (if you think so)...b/c she posted that she doesn't like it.... i go to school w/her..she's dumb, haha -

awh..... so the howards are great/nice people... and yes, i knew that ahead of time, i just really wanted to stay at home... but this is working out really well. i basically get their entire basement to myself! lol... i didn't realize how cool it would/could be. it's like a den sorta? there's like "my room" and it has 2 separate rooms, one room with a couch and lazy boy chair and a tv w/full cable (sweet...i don't have cable!), then it has a bathroom w/it's own shower (but i sleep at home after papers, oh well), and then a bedroom attached to it.... so yah, i'm dumb for complaining. only things it lacks is internet and friends, but i can deal thru tuesday.

so i got to talk to the howards about a certain place (some of you know......if you don't, sorry....i don't wanna say much yet.....)..... and it sounds perfect/ideal/effin amazing..... so David may be opening a venue or have a new place to do shows...... sweet

first day of paperroutes on my own went alright......yessssss... but i'm retarted and started surfing the net & reading the sales flyers from the paper afterwards, and now i wont' really get to go back to bed before church..... *stupid*

cassies bday party/get together thingy last night was way more fun than i expected........we laughed the entire time i think, haha....

so For Today is having an accoustic practice/writing session my living room, b/c the fellowship hall and sanctuary are both occupied today... and we're just writing so we don't have to be loud.... danget, brennan can't come.... urrr, more delays, i really hate em'.... oh well, we'll make it out eventually... hopefully... sunday school in 1 hr. & 40 minutes..... hmmm, i shall eat breakfast....

so after practice & youth group I'm pretty sure that like me, jon, ryan, sam?, darren?, zac? & others are gonna hang out here in sux invite
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