so. the force unleashed is pretty fucking awesome. i feel so incredibly badass. of course, i want to stab the main chick in her stupid face because she's so cliche its not even funny, but i've generally come to expect that from video games. and in keeping with the grand star wars tradition, i fall into bottomless pits. a lot.
i hate jumping puzzles
also. i got phoenix wright justice for all :B maggey byrde is so adorable i want to take her home with me <3 and as always, i want to give a big hug to gumshoe. istilllu gumshoe.
aaaand i got accepted as Mr. H over at
codice_a_barre. i'm super excited and kind of nervous :B
ummmm i need to get my car back so i can start jobhunting. i bought alkaline trio's new CD and am gonna see them on the 28th. C: