Taking Icon Requests... (sort of)

Apr 11, 2010 17:20

I've been in a very icon-making mood lately (mostly because I've been downloading some awesome textures by piemin).  In particular, I've recently discovered the very fun icon challenge community tvpassiton.  I've had some good times there already, and made two three icons so far (five if you count variations).  ...But I want to keep participating!

So here's where you can help.  I need inspiration - suggestions, to be more precise.

The current tvpassiton challenge is called OMGWTFBBQ, and its concept is pretty simple.  Your icon has to fit one of three themes: OMG!, WTF?, or BBQ.  The first two are hopefully self-explanatory; for BBQ the icon needs to feature food, eating, or drinking in any literal or figurative way.  And of course, since the community is all about TV shows, each icon has to be from something on TV.  Duh.

So, guys, do you have any ideas for me?  I've made one BBQ icon [Psych] already, and a one for WTF? [Metalocalypse], and I'm working on just finished an OMG! icon for the show Caprica.  But if any of you have other suggestions for these three themes, by all means, lay 'em on me!  And if I feel inspired, I'll make the icon. :)

Suggesting a specific image (or at least linking me to where I could find some screencaps) is very much appreciated, though not strictly necessary.

However, I should probably say I'll only icon shows I'm familiar with.  So, in lieu of typing up a gigantic list... please tell me what the show is before you make your suggestion, and I will tell you if I've seen it.  This will also help avert accidental spoilers, which are never ever fun. >_>

tv, random, graphic design, icons

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