Woo!! Made it before 12 1 (just barely)! Alright, well, here's that third installment:
Disclaimer: Sorry if some of these seem better than others. I had to go with what inspiration I had, and in some cases the muse may have been more generous; doesn't mean I intentionally put more or less effort into any of these. Also, seeing as drawbles are meant to be a casual thing, I tried not to be a perfectionist about them; but if you're unhappy with the quality of yours, don't feel guilty about asking me to fix it up a little more. :)
Disclaimer #2: All characters belong to their creators and I've no legal claim to them.
Unofficial artist's notes, again:
1a. I'm not actually sure how in character overt antagonism is between these two; but I think that was what Jedi wanted, so. Although, now that I think about it, being as they're both in Voldemort's inner circle (one can assume)... there could quite possibly be some head-butting over rank and favor and such. So, yeah, that works.
1b. At first I rather thought this wasn't my best Snape (particularly because it seemed I might've overdone the nose), but the more I look at it the more I like him. Especially how his hair came out, though.
1c. Lucius, on the other hand, I've loved from the start (am I allowed to say that about my own work?). Most of all his nose, ironically enough. But, mmm... I should so make a point to draw more Lucius. Seriously.
1d. Once again, that is Lucius's cheekbone (and temple), not wisps of hair.
1e. Hmm, I wonder if Hils would be amused by this. It's probably her fault I thought of it in the first place.
2a. If this is weird or not what was expected, well... blame my love of sequential art. And the fact that it was the first thing that popped into my head. I really couldn't not go with it.
2b. Oh, look! A brick wall and some tombstones. Pretty original scenery, no?
2c. I kinda hate Spike's mouth in the second frame. But it was one of those things I couldn't really erase once it was drawn, unfortunately. :\
2d. Oh, and I completely forgot the ridges. Oops.
2e. But... duster! *squees with rekindled Spike!fangirl glee*
3a. I was particularly proud of myself for this one. It is definitely my favorite out of the whole bunch. >:D
3b. Though, I do not know why Groves's legs seem to be longer than Norrington's. Oh, well. Oops.
3c. And I wasn't certain, at first, how to make sure it was evident that this is Norrington and Groves and not Jack Dav and Greg Ellis... but then, wigs! Um, yeah. That's probably not as clever as I thought it was at the time, huh? But at any rate, silk bows are love. So there's that.
3d. Oh, and do note Norrington's pattern. This I do think was actually fairly clever. Or at least reasonably cute. *dork*
jedipirateFandom: Harry Potter
Subject: Snape/Lucius
Prompt: N/A
Rating: PG for implied adult themes
Medium: Mechanical pencil, touched up in Photoshop
annabelle528Fandom: Buffy the Vampire
Subject: Spike/Buffy
Prompt: N/A
Rating: PG
Medium: Mechanical pencil, touched up in Photoshop
drbillbongoFandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Subject: Groves/Norrington
Prompt: N/A
Rating: PG for possible mild kink
Medium: Mechanical pencil, touched up in Photoshop
Once again, hoping all recipients will be happy, and that maybe other people will enjoy these as well. Feedback makes the world go 'round... and con-crit, just as praise, is gleefully accepted. :D
IMPORTANT: If/when leaving feedback, please let me know what community (if any) you're here from; I'd really appreciate it!
Part IPart II