Honestly, what's more appropriate for these two than to have been born on April Fool's Day? :D And in their honor, I have sentence drabbles for you all. Non-HP ones, too, of course, so don't worry. Um, yay?
(And, er... I wrote twincest, even. Which is all
kriken's fault, really. She may even remember why.)
4 HP: Fred and George, Fred/George/Lavender, Fred/George )
i'm happy you liked the description of jack, also. i wrote that one quite a while ago, so it speaks a lot of my initial impression of him as a character and what he looks like to the outside world. i love how multifaceted and enigmatic jack can actually be, while in many ways so uncomplicated at the same time. *swoons over teh shiny pirate*
and, anyway, thank you so much for the lovely words. you've made my morning. :):)
as to why people do these: well, i don't know, to me they're a ton of fun. and fitting a whole story into just one sentence can be pretty challenging... but that just means they have the potential to come out impressively well,* when done successfully. *g*
and i love all the deep subtextual stuff you can actually say about characters and relationships by using such a minimalistic writing format.
by the way, since you're becoming a fan as you say... do feel free to request something. inspiration is always of the good.
*not that i'm saying mine are necessarily impressive (though i do happen to really like quite a few of them; i'm allowed, aren't i?)... but i've definitely seen impressive ones written by other people.
I could never fit a whole story into one sentence - I even have trouble with real drabbles. Maybe I'm just destined to write longer fic - or blather more, depends on how you look at it. ;)
Request? I'm allowed to request? OMG! *glee*
Well... Which fandoms do you write in? *rubs hands*
i'm not sure how or why i've found a [sort of] knack for these, though. it does logically seem like i shouldn't be able to do them, but somehow i can. *blinks*
Request? I'm allowed to request? OMG! *glee*
sure, absolutely! anyone who leaves feedback is allowed to request, as it says at the bottom of the post. *g*
the applicable fandoms be these: my main four, obviously (that's HP, PotC, GO, and the buffyverse), plus lost, bones, desperate housewives, gilmore girls, scrubs (maybe), veronica mars, will & grace (maybe), monk (maybe), and coupling (maybe). the maybes are the ones i'm less sure about... but willing to give it a go, at least.
i suppose i may as well also throw velvet goldmine, princess bride, and brokeback mountain in there, though i'm not 100% confident about those either. and i really want to put firefly... but i'm not sure enough of my canon knowledge to chance it, even with a drabble. same goes for queer as folk. :(
Oh, don't doubt yourself. You definitely can! :D
And... oh, that's a lot of fandoms. Well... (you're not making it easy)... I'd love to read a sentence drabble of either Coupling (Steve/Jeff), Velvet Goldmine (Curt/Arthur or Curt/Brian) or Brokeback Mountain (Jack/Ennis). If it doesn't work, PotC is always a good choice (no matter which pairing, as long as it involves Norrington). Or Good Omens. (Do I give the impression of being indecisive?) =D
And you must watch< Hornblower... *tries mind trick*
you're sweet. thank you. *g*
that is a lot of fandoms, isn't it? not that i could write actual fic in most of them... but since these don't need much of a plot, it works out that i get a wider range of capabilities. (hee! making myself sound like an suv. :P)
i think i might be able to write a steve/jeff friendship bit, if you don't mind that -- don't think i could manage actual slash. and i can definitely give VG and BM a shot... if any of that doesn't work out, it's good to have PotC and good omens to fall back on.
would you mind norrington gen, since you didn't specify a pairing? or do you definitely want it shippy? and did you want anything specific for GO -- character? ship? -- or no?
And you must watch Hornblower...
i would, honestly, if i had the time for another fandom right now. it's at the top of my list, though.
I wouldn't mind Steve/Jeff friendship at all. :)
And Norrington gen sounds fine - he doesn't necessarily have to be shipped. :)
As to GO, you can write about Crowley and Aziraphale, or the Riders of the Apocalypse, or Newt, or Anathema, or Agnes Nutter - whoever you want. I don't mind. :)
*re:GO* ok... if i end up writing that for you, i guess i'll just see what comes to me. i already have a couple GO drabbles saved up in my queue, but i'd do a separate one as per request. :)
same with norrington. er... that i'll see what comes [if i end up writing him for you]. not that i have stuff saved up on him, at the moment. heh.
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