Thoughts on Life

Nov 07, 2005 19:48

"Hey Kids
Just so you know, when you grow up
Everyone you meet in the world is a liar
Your best friend
Your boss
Your co-workers
Your parents
Your lover
They’re all big liars
Little lies
Big lies
Funny lies
Lies Lies Lies
Me, I’m lying
Not right this second, this thing about everyone lying is true
But I’m sure any minute now I’m going to say something that is a lie
And most lies…well they aren’t what you instantly think of when you think “lie”
They’re not malicious, they’re not meant to hurt you or cheat you.
Sure those are out there, evil fuckers are always about.
Someone trying to make themselves out to be better than they are, it’s a sales pitch
Most of the time it’s about that person wanting you to think they are cool
Like it’s some big deal to be cool
Fuck cool
Fuck it
You know what the only thing in the world that is truly cool?
The only thing?
Not caring if anyone thinks you’re cool.
Not saying you don’t care, actually not caring.
Deep down on a profound spiritual level…not caring if anyone thinks anything about you
Fuck it
Man it drives me nuts!
Everyone wants you to think they don’t have a care in the world
No problems
No worries
They don’t fight with their girlfriend
Their families are perfect
They are exactly where they want to be
Doing exactly what they want to do with exactly who they ended up with
You know, in high school I remember having deep long discussions with my friends about my hopes and dreams
You know like sincerely profound-wait.
You know what? That’s a lie. Ha!
I’m lying.
What I meant to say
What I should have said is
I remember having those deep conversations with girls I wanted to stick parts of myself into.
See? That’s the truth. That means something entirely different.
But I did have these conversations about wanting to be more than I was.
For some reason when you’re young, it’s ok to want, to yearn, to complain, to rage out.
To fight it.
To want to be more.
Now? Now not so much.
Now it’s: “How you doing Bill?”
“Oh I’m great! I’m so happy!”
“Oh yeah, job’s great, I’m great, it’s all great.”
“Really? No secret desires? No dreams unfulfilled? No desperate yearnings for love that was never returned?”
“Everything is great!!!”
“Wow, you’re so fucking cool!! God I wish I was you!”
I guess I’m the only person on the planet Earth now who has a conflicting feeling!!
Or a goddamn desire to be someone else other than the stupid fuck I turned out to be.
Fucking movie stars
Fucking rock stars
Fucking superheroes
Fucking publicists and fucking airbrushed magazine covers and CGI-ing in the bald spots
Of course we’re all liars
Because deep down we know every image we see, everything sold to us, every commercial, movie, TV, it’s all lies.
We know it is and we just give up and accept it as ‘culture’
Our culture of lies.
Every movie star says every movie they make is the greatest experience they’ve ever had!!
Every director is the best director they’ve ever worked with!!
There are not enough exclamation points in the world to express to you how wonderful they are!!
It’s all sunshine and fucking
You’re battered about the head and neck with someone else’s false excitement
All day
Every day
To the point where you start to say to yourself ‘what the fuck is wrong with my life that all these people are living great and I’m a big tool?’
‘Why am I not happy? Why am I not cool? I want to be cool!!!’
So instead of making yourself happy…instead of actually trying to make yourself content in your own skin…
You spend all your time trying to convince everyone around you you’re just as happy as everyone else says they are.
And you probably don’t even hear yourself doing it.
Just think, on some subconscious level, that, as part of the culture of lies, it’s expected of you…
And you just do it, and why not?
And you ever run into someone who doesn’t feel the need to lie?
They actually tell you how they actually feel.
They tell you if they’re miserable.
They tell you they hate their job. Or-or they have no job.
Or they just feel like jumping into traffic.
What do you do when faced with this honesty?
You say to yourself: “Oh my fuck, what a weirdo!”
“What a LOSER!”
You don’t say, “Wow, what a refreshing burst of honesty!”
You say “Loser, get away!”

And as much as I HATE our culture of lies, and every lie that comes out of your faces…
Do I love it when you get caught doing it."
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