
Apr 15, 2006 01:31

1. Deadwood is a really great show

2. Brokeback Mountain is a really great movie

The Old West is pretty cool, but I probally think it's cool for reasons most people don't.

But I'd say that the Middle Ages are the best though. Knights are very cool, so are castles, wars, religion and every else. I wish I could go back in time to then.

I guess the Middle Ages and the Old West are both kind of similair - sort of. Being both sort of untamed times, where justice may not always be around.

Well, people are actually surprised to learn about the level of advancement in the Middle Ages, how advanced the beuracracies where becoming and how complex the laws were. Especially pre- Black Death, after that it sucked for a while but got into the good stuff before to long.

Also - I'd like to thank Dan Brown for awakening such massive interest in early Christianity. Its cool stuff to read about. Like a bunch of books just came out about the Gospel of Judas. Well - who doesnt want to read about that?? NO ONE!!

Saw Scary Movie 4. Some funnies.

Completion of Wheel of Time collection is nearly here.

Prequel: A New Spring
1: Eye of the World
2: The Great Hunt
3: The Dragon Reborn
4: The Shadow Rising
5: The Fires of Heaven
6: Lord of Chaos
7: A Crown of Swords
8: The Path of Daggers
9: Winter's Heart
10: Crossroads of Twilight
11: Knife of Dreams

Now that I have all 12 availible volumes PLUS the World of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Guidebook, I can only wait for him to complete Vol. 12 - A Memory of Light.

He just got diagnosed with some terrible blood condition so he may not live to publish the final volume of the series which would suck such a fat dick.
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